How to add custom images as UIApplicationShortcutIcon for UIApplicationShortcutItem?

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2019-12-10 19:08:43


How to add custom images as UIApplicationShortcutIcon for UIApplicationShortcutItem? which is similar like photos UIApplicationShortcutItem in Photos/Message app for most recent.Because all icon are Created an icon from a custom image.The provided image named will be loaded from the app's bundle and will be masked to conform to the system-defined icon style.So how can i get color image as UIApplicationShortcutIcon programmatically?


You can add short cut icons from app delegate also.Here img_editProduct and img_Classifieds are custom images added in .xcassests file

- (void)shortcutsWithIcon
       UIApplicationShortcutIcon *icon1 = [UIApplicationShortcutIcon iconWithTemplateImageName:@"img_editProduct"];
       UIApplicationShortcutIcon *icon2 = [UIApplicationShortcutIcon iconWithTemplateImageName:@"img_Classifieds"];

       UIMutableApplicationShortcutItem *item1 = [[UIMutableApplicationShortcutItem alloc]initWithType:@"com.3dtouchApp.postAnItem" localizedTitle:@"Post an Item" localizedSubtitle:@"Add new product for sale" icon:icon1 userInfo:nil];
       UIMutableApplicationShortcutItem *item2 = [[UIMutableApplicationShortcutItem alloc]initWithType:@"com.3dtouchApp.LatestAds" localizedTitle:@"Latest Ads" localizedSubtitle:@"View top recent Ads" icon:icon2 userInfo:nil];
       NSArray *items = @[item2, item1];

       [UIApplication sharedApplication].shortcutItems = items;
    @catch (NSException *exception) {


 - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
   if (self.window.traitCollection.forceTouchCapability == UIForceTouchCapabilityAvailable)
       [self shortcutsWithIcon];
         if ([item.type isEqualToString:@"com.3dtouchApp.postAnItem"])
           ***//Code for launch your screen***

         if ([item.type isEqualToString:@"com.3dtouchApp.LatestAds"])
            ***//code for launch your screen***
return YES;


Don't use an emoji in place of a template icon. Emojis don't align properly when the text is right-aligned. Also, emojis are full color, whereas template icons should be monochromatic. You can choose from among the many system-provided template icons or you can create a custom template icon. For detailed guidance on icon sizes, padding, and positioning, download Home Screen Quick Action Icon Template from To learn more about designing a template icon, see Template Icons.

As per above text, I dont think there is no way to display coloured icon. May be we will get in future update.

