
腾讯开源 iOS 内存监控组件和OOM检测工具

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2021-02-20 19:57:20
自阿里巴巴开源Android检测内存泄露工具 LeakCanary 后,腾讯开源了一个在iOS 内存监控组件和一个OOM检测工具。 MLeaksFinder MLeaksFinder 是腾讯开源的 iOS 平台的自动内存泄漏检测工具,引进 MLeaksFinder 后,就可以在日常的开发,调试业务逻辑的过程中自动地发现并警告内存泄漏。开发者无需打开 instrument 等工具,也无需为了找内存泄漏而去跑额外的流程。并且,由于开发者是在修改代码之后一跑业务逻辑就能发现内存泄漏的,这使得开发者能很快地意识到是哪里的代码写得问题。这种及时的内存泄漏的发现在很大的程度上降低了修复内存泄漏的成本。 特性: 自动检测内存泄漏和释放不及时的场景 构建泄漏对象相对于 ViewContrller 的引用链以帮助开发者定位问题 不侵入业务逻辑,引入即生效,无需修改任何代码或引入头文件 用法 MLeaksFinder 可自动查找 UIView 和 UIViewController 对象中的泄漏。当发生泄漏时,它会在 View-ViewController 堆栈中显示泄漏对象预警。 Memory Leak ( MyTableViewController , UITableView, UITableViewWrapperView, MyTableViewCell ) OOMDetector


烂漫一生 提交于 2021-02-20 19:28:29
参照博客 java程序员技能树 (如有侵权马上删除) 经典回顾 操作系统( operation system OS) 简介 操作系统(operation system,简称OS)是管理 计算机硬件 与 软件 资源的 计算机程序 。操作系统需要处理如管理与配置 内存 、决定 系统资源 供需的优先次序、控制 输入设备 与 输出设备 、操作网络与管理文件系统等基本事务。操作系统也提供一个让用户与系统交互的操作界面。 主要的操作系统 嵌入式( VxWorks 、 eCos 、 Symbian OS 及 Palm OS 、 iOS 、 Android ) 类 Unix( System V 、 BSD 与 Linux ) Microsoft Windows( Windows XP 、 Windows 7 、 Windows 10 、) MacOS X( MacOS 和MacOS X ) Google Chrome OS( Google的轻型的、基于网络的计算机操作系统计划 ) 编译原理 基本概念 编译原理即是对高级程序语言进行翻译的一门科学技术, 我们都知道计算机程序由 程序语言 编写而成, 在早期计算机程序语言发展较为缓慢, 因为计算机存储的数据和执行的程序都是由0、1代码组合而成的,

How to upload IPA file to App Store from Mac OS X Catalina

半腔热情 提交于 2021-02-20 18:51:43
问题 I just created an app in Apple Developer portal and now I want to upload an IPA file created from Phonegap to App Store. How can I do it? In Mac OS X Catalina there is no iTunes app and I don't find in XCode > Open Developer Tool > Application loader. UPDATE: I can open Archives window in XCode but my app does not appear in the list. 回答1: Try xcrun altool command line: xcrun altool --upload-app --type ios --file <Path-to-ipa> --username <Username> --password <One-time-pass> Remember to use

How to upload IPA file to App Store from Mac OS X Catalina

孤人 提交于 2021-02-20 18:51:11
问题 I just created an app in Apple Developer portal and now I want to upload an IPA file created from Phonegap to App Store. How can I do it? In Mac OS X Catalina there is no iTunes app and I don't find in XCode > Open Developer Tool > Application loader. UPDATE: I can open Archives window in XCode but my app does not appear in the list. 回答1: Try xcrun altool command line: xcrun altool --upload-app --type ios --file <Path-to-ipa> --username <Username> --password <One-time-pass> Remember to use

Find Minimum/Maximum latitude and Longitude

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2021-02-20 17:05:22
问题 My Question is how can i find minimum and maximum latitude and longitude of specific area (500 meter) from current location. In my case, Such like i need to get X and Y CLLocation (latitude and longitude) from 500 meter of area See my image (sorry for this may be bad drawing ) I also have to tried to googling and i got link such like How can i get minimum and maximum latitude and longitude using current location and radius? But i don't know how it implement in my case. Pleas help me in this

Find Minimum/Maximum latitude and Longitude

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2021-02-20 17:05:08
问题 My Question is how can i find minimum and maximum latitude and longitude of specific area (500 meter) from current location. In my case, Such like i need to get X and Y CLLocation (latitude and longitude) from 500 meter of area See my image (sorry for this may be bad drawing ) I also have to tried to googling and i got link such like How can i get minimum and maximum latitude and longitude using current location and radius? But i don't know how it implement in my case. Pleas help me in this

Find Minimum/Maximum latitude and Longitude

我的未来我决定 提交于 2021-02-20 17:04:10
问题 My Question is how can i find minimum and maximum latitude and longitude of specific area (500 meter) from current location. In my case, Such like i need to get X and Y CLLocation (latitude and longitude) from 500 meter of area See my image (sorry for this may be bad drawing ) I also have to tried to googling and i got link such like How can i get minimum and maximum latitude and longitude using current location and radius? But i don't know how it implement in my case. Pleas help me in this

Enable Allow arbitrary Loads of App Transport Security Setting not working in XCODE 9.2 and iOS 11.2

孤街浪徒 提交于 2021-02-20 16:19:00
问题 I used same setting for enabling arbitrary load but now i faced some issues.I used alamofire for json parsing. info.plist settings: and error is : 回答1: your info plist hierarchy for transport should be like this 回答2: NSAppTransportSecurity provides the network layer security and only allow http secured urls. There are 2 ways to solve this: Case 1: In your code you are using an unsecure url with http:// replace it with https:// , then it will work. Case 2: If you don't have ssl enabled url

Enable Allow arbitrary Loads of App Transport Security Setting not working in XCODE 9.2 and iOS 11.2

岁酱吖の 提交于 2021-02-20 16:16:23
问题 I used same setting for enabling arbitrary load but now i faced some issues.I used alamofire for json parsing. info.plist settings: and error is : 回答1: your info plist hierarchy for transport should be like this 回答2: NSAppTransportSecurity provides the network layer security and only allow http secured urls. There are 2 ways to solve this: Case 1: In your code you are using an unsecure url with http:// replace it with https:// , then it will work. Case 2: If you don't have ssl enabled url


拥有回忆 提交于 2021-02-20 16:14:11
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