Best way to analyze http traffic sent by my java code?

爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2019-12-01 05:44:48

Use wireshark.

It's great, free, open-source, cross-platform, and can highlight different network layers, and it's not running from some dubious website that looks like SEO spam.

Snort is another good one, but it's more geared toward intrusion detection and automated responses to that. Still, it has a great sniffer.

Typically I find that packet sniffing is too low level for troubleshooting HTTP. Try a reverse proxy; personally I like Charles as it works the same in Windows, Mac OS X and Linux; Fiddler is a popular on Windows.

If you try to sniff your loopback( - thats bit complicated and you should install special driver for that.
I'd suggest you to send request to "fake" server and than sniff it.
u can sniff with "WireShark" or "burpSuite" (if u can configure ur program that go through proxy server).

you can specify SOCKS Proxy. normally Java uses SocksSocketImpl - i.e. it supports automatically SOCKS proxies.

Any other sniffer will do as well
