
HERE maps for JavaScript API: traffic flow without WebGL

岁酱吖の 提交于 2021-01-28 09:16:47
问题 I want to show a here map with traffic flow information. I have a solution for web browser with WebGL (there I can just add the vector layer using map.addLayer(defaultLayers.vector.normal.traffic); ). For a browser without WebGL I use raster layers. I'm not able to add a traffic layer, I tried using the following code which I found at: var trafficService = platform.getTrafficService(); var provider = new H

HERE maps for JavaScript API: traffic flow without WebGL

馋奶兔 提交于 2021-01-28 09:07:11
问题 I want to show a here map with traffic flow information. I have a solution for web browser with WebGL (there I can just add the vector layer using map.addLayer(defaultLayers.vector.normal.traffic); ). For a browser without WebGL I use raster layers. I'm not able to add a traffic layer, I tried using the following code which I found at: var trafficService = platform.getTrafficService(); var provider = new H


霸气de小男生 提交于 2020-04-06 05:51:30
策略模式(Strategy Pattern),我们可以和实际生活联在一起。比如我们每天上班的出行选择,可以是坐公交,也可以是开车、骑自行车等。 其实这种出行方式的选择就是策略模式的一种体现。 我们有一个抽象出来的 出行 概念: 出行() 然后可以有不同的具体的选择: 锻炼身体可以选择: 骑自行车() 开车方便的话,可以选择: 开车() 绿色出行除了骑行,也可以选择: 坐公交车() 其实不同的出行选择就是封装起来的对出行的不同的实现(算法)。 如下图所示: 策略模式有以下几个特点: 1、定义多个算法 2、封装算法 3、这多个算法可互换 我们可以看一下具体的代码: /** * 定义抽象接口 */ public interface Traffic { ​ public void goToWork (); } 公交: public class Bus implements Traffic { @Override public void goToWork () { System . out . println ( "坐公交车" ); } } 开车: public class Car implements Traffic { ​ @Override public void goToWork () { System . out . println ( "开车" ); } } 小明去上班:

Traffic Prediction Based on Surrogate Model in Satellite Constellation Networks

本秂侑毒 提交于 2020-03-11 16:22:13
引用:Chen Q, Zhang Y, Guo J, et al. Traffic Prediction Based on Surrogate Model in Satellite Constellation Networks[C]//2019 12th IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference (WMNC). IEEE, 2019: 126-130. 基于代理模型的卫星星座网络流量预测 摘要 卫星运动使得卫星覆盖范围内的流量变化比较大,流量预测很重要。预测模型包括上升节点的地理经度和通过上升节点的时间。卫星星座所有卫星都可以被这两个变量定义。文章提出一个事件无关的基于代理的预测方式 概述 预测流量对动态资源分配有很大作用:功耗、频谱利用率和带宽分配。 卫星流量来自于邻居卫星和地面流量,大部分时候后者占了多数,本文只考虑后者 卫星覆盖流量模型 认为:地面历史流量数据已知、时间无关;可根据卫星位置和波束宽度得知卫星覆盖。为得到流量信息,通常地面根据预先计算的几个轨道周期的地面轨迹逐点计算覆盖流量,然后将流量数据库上传到在轨卫星。当数据库过期时,需要定期更新。为了降低计算成本,我们使用部分样本建立近似模型,预测整个模型空间内的交通流量变化 基于代理的预测模型 代理模型是一种有效的预测方法,它通过建立近似模型来拟合真实模型

POJ-2561 Network Saboteur(DFS)

随声附和 提交于 2020-02-28 10:05:02
题目: A university network is composed of N computers. System administrators gathered information on the traffic between nodes, and carefully divided the network into two subnetworks in order to minimize traffic between parts. A disgruntled computer science student Vasya, after being expelled from the university, decided to have his revenge. He hacked into the university network and decided to reassign computers to maximize the traffic between two subnetworks. Unfortunately, he found that calculating such worst subdivision is one of those problems he, being a student, failed to solve. So he asks

How to Monitor Genuine Page Hits

本秂侑毒 提交于 2020-01-23 12:47:56
问题 I am trying to monitor genuine page hits. Here is what my site does. I have an article directory where people can post articles. When their article is posted they are paid depending on the amount of unique users visit their pages. So page hits are important. Here is the problem I am facing. What I need: I don't want to track page hits by minor search engines or robots. I would like the major 4 search engines to surf my site because I can monitor them by IP address and not count their visit as

Pornhub---The 2019 Year in Review

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2020-01-19 23:34:28
Welcome to Pornhub’s 7th annual Year in Review, where we bring you 2019’s hottest trends, terms, searches, and a recap of everything that happened this year. If you follow our Pornhub Insights blog, you already know that 2019 was a juicy year – jam-packed with celebrities, happenings, and events that influenced how people utilized and enjoyed Pornhub. Below, you will find the data that Pornhub’s trusty statisticians have compiled for you, colorful charts to help you visualize this Year in Review, and commentary to help make sense of the wild world of tech, adult entertainment, and everything

Display traffic data with maps

不羁的心 提交于 2020-01-05 05:57:11
问题 I am trying to show traffic information on OpenStreetMap. Considering that the traffic information is a value from 0 to 3 (wich means bad, regular and free) and. also consider that value is changing in a certain frequency. Does anyone has a suggestion to make this work? Maybe drawing polylines in the map, I prefer to stay simple. My aplication use Leaflet maps and node.js 来源:

Routing traffic from a specific application

霸气de小男生 提交于 2020-01-04 02:56:04
问题 Is there a way I can route traffic from an application to a diferent ip, let's say for instance route Firefox's traffic to localhost, for instance? I'm using windows. 回答1: There is a wide variety of proxifer, firewall and port forwarding software that allows you to redirect traffic by IP address, protocol, internal port, and external port through a range of different packages for windows. However, the only one I have found that allows you to specify rules (other than block) at the application

How can can I throttle bandwidth on an application domain level in Windows (in user mode)?

核能气质少年 提交于 2019-12-29 07:45:07
问题 I would like to make the following happen: My application runs on a Windows machine (call it application A). I can modify the source code of application A to introduce bandwidth throttling. I would like to be able to reuse my bandwidth throttling code and drop it into any other applications that I have (in other words, I would like to try and throttle the bandwidth on an application domain level in order to not have to re-factor existing applications for bandwidth throttling). I want to