Periodic background synchronization

跟風遠走 提交于 2019-11-30 07:25:52

There is an iOS feature called BackgroundFetch, which you can set up to

regularly downloads and processes small amounts of content from the network

You can setup a minimumBackgroundFetchInterval.

In contrast to the mentioned Android feature, this interval is not guaranteed though.

The OS does some heuristic in a blackbox. It rewards you for using a "reasonable" (to the OS) CPU time/ power consumption and also for being used often by the user. On the other hand you get punished for draining the battery, even worse if your app is never been used.

See: Apple Documentation

Alternatively, depending on your needs, you can post a Silent (push) Notification whenever the users data changes on server side. A silent push wakes up your app without notifying the user, so you can fetch data and maybe inform the user by scheduling a local notification.

See: Apple Documentation

You can't. Apple doesn't allow 3rd party apps to have regular background time like that. You'll need to come up with another approach like implementing a silent push notification from your server when new content is available.

As @ekscrypto points out in their comment, you can use Background fetch to load small amounts of data when the system decides to fetch it. However, you don't have any control over when that fetching takes place. Search on "Fetching Small Amounts of Content Opportunistically" in the Xcode help system for more information.
