Save an email attachment automatically to map with qmail and reformime

放肆的年华 提交于 2020-07-16 06:07:44


Save an email attachment automatically to map with qmail and reformime

I'm trying to move attachment automatically to another locatie with the dot-qmail file.

My .qmail file

| condredirect pdf-junkmail headermatch 'X-Spam-Status: Yes'
| reformime -X /bin/sh -c "if [ "\${FILENAME#*.}" == "pdf" ];  then cat > /home/users/name/home/$(date +%Y%m%d)_\$FILENAME; fi"
# Forward not set
# Vacation Message not set

This works for a simple mail with one attachment. My questions:

  1. How can I also move the mailmessage that belongs to this attachment to a mailbox named "done".
  2. Above command doesn't work with multiple attachments in one mailmessage? How can I ajust this line to work for multiple attachments?
  3. This doesn't work if the filename contains multiple dots like "how.areyou.pdf"

Thanks for the help


Here is a featured implementation for your problem.

First save and set permissions to this bash script for your user.
You will need to call it from your .qmail file:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# This script process mail message attachments from stdin MIME message
# Extract all PDF files attachments
# and return the MIME message to stdout for further processing

# Ensure all locale settings are set to C, to prevent
# reformime from failing MIME headers decode with
# [unknown character set: ANSI_X3.4-1968]
# See:

# Setting the destination path for saved attachments

trap 'rm -f -- "$mailmessage"' EXIT # Purge temporary mail message

# Create a temporary message file

# Save stdin message to tempfile
cat > "$mailmessage"

# Iterate all MIME sections from the message
while read -r mime_section; do

  # Get all section info headers
  section_info="$(reformime -s "$mime_section" -i <"$mailmessage")"

  # Parse the Content-Type header
  content_type="$(grep 'content-type' <<<"$section_info" | cut -d ' ' -f 2-)"

  # Parse the Content-Name header (if available)
  content_name="$(grep 'content-name' <<<"$section_info" | cut -d ' ' -f 2-)"

  # Decode the value of the Content-Name header
  content_name="$(reformime -c UTF-8 -h "$content_name")"

  if [[ $content_type = "application/pdf" || $content_name =~ .*\.[pP][dD][fF] ]]; then
    # Attachment is a PDF
    if [ -z "$content_name" ]; then
      # The attachment has no name, so create a random name
      content_name="$(mktemp --dry-run unnamed_XXXXXXXX.pdf)"
    # Prepend the date to the attachment filename
    filename="$(date +%Y%m%d)_$content_name"

    # Save the attachment to a file
    reformime -s "$mime_section" -e <"$mailmessage" >"$attachements/$filename"

done < <(reformime < "$mailmessage") # reformime list all mime sections

cat <"$mailmessage" # Re-inject the message to stdout for further processing

Then in you .qmail:

| condredirect pdf-junkmail headermatch 'X-Spam-Status: Yes'
| bash /path/to/ | condredirect done true
# Forward not set
# Vacation Message not set

