
Output graph to a two page PDF

↘锁芯ラ 提交于 2021-02-20 10:07:43
问题 I am doing a forest plot and want to save it to a PDF file. My forest plot is oversize (8in*20in). It can fit in a one page PDF like this: dev.print(pdf, file="C:\\Work\\plot.pdf", width=8, height=20); But then it is too long: When I print this PDF on a A4 paper, it has to be shrinked to fit the paper. So I want to save it to a two-page PDF file (from R). Ps: it is not a question about how to set the printer. How to do this? 回答1: So, you are able to generate an 8in x 20in == 203.2mm x 508mm =

AngularJS - highlight text of an existing pdf file in frontend/Browser

ε祈祈猫儿з 提交于 2021-02-20 10:02:00
问题 I have found the library PDF creation With this library it is possible to create different styles of pdf documents. My question would be if there is a possibility to mark text (and maybe add a link to this marked text) of an existing pdf file with AngularJS? Or is there any workaround to do this? 回答1: The question is a bit too broad as is - not sure what you mean by "mark" - do you mean highlighted in some way or actually selected? Anyhow, firstly to get to the correct page -- you can use

AngularJS - highlight text of an existing pdf file in frontend/Browser

旧街凉风 提交于 2021-02-20 10:01:32
问题 I have found the library PDF creation With this library it is possible to create different styles of pdf documents. My question would be if there is a possibility to mark text (and maybe add a link to this marked text) of an existing pdf file with AngularJS? Or is there any workaround to do this? 回答1: The question is a bit too broad as is - not sure what you mean by "mark" - do you mean highlighted in some way or actually selected? Anyhow, firstly to get to the correct page -- you can use

pdfrw checkbox AS values gets unwanted parentheses

随声附和 提交于 2021-02-20 02:42:28
问题 So I'm trying to mark checkboxes in a PDF file with pdfrw. That means changing the checkboxes "AS" value from the default "/Off" to "/Yes". pdfrw is currently forcing parentheses around my "/Yes" when it writes to file, so it doesn't work. How do I keep it from adding these parentheses? My code: template_pdf = pdfrw.PdfReader(input_pdf_path) annotations = template_pdf.pages[0][/Annots] for annotation in annotations: annotation.update(pdfrw.PdfDict(AS="/Yes")) pdfrw.PdfWriter().write(output

pdfrw checkbox AS values gets unwanted parentheses

江枫思渺然 提交于 2021-02-20 02:41:31
问题 So I'm trying to mark checkboxes in a PDF file with pdfrw. That means changing the checkboxes "AS" value from the default "/Off" to "/Yes". pdfrw is currently forcing parentheses around my "/Yes" when it writes to file, so it doesn't work. How do I keep it from adding these parentheses? My code: template_pdf = pdfrw.PdfReader(input_pdf_path) annotations = template_pdf.pages[0][/Annots] for annotation in annotations: annotation.update(pdfrw.PdfDict(AS="/Yes")) pdfrw.PdfWriter().write(output

pdfrw checkbox AS values gets unwanted parentheses

回眸只為那壹抹淺笑 提交于 2021-02-20 02:41:04
问题 So I'm trying to mark checkboxes in a PDF file with pdfrw. That means changing the checkboxes "AS" value from the default "/Off" to "/Yes". pdfrw is currently forcing parentheses around my "/Yes" when it writes to file, so it doesn't work. How do I keep it from adding these parentheses? My code: template_pdf = pdfrw.PdfReader(input_pdf_path) annotations = template_pdf.pages[0][/Annots] for annotation in annotations: annotation.update(pdfrw.PdfDict(AS="/Yes")) pdfrw.PdfWriter().write(output

pdfrw checkbox AS values gets unwanted parentheses

五迷三道 提交于 2021-02-20 02:40:54
问题 So I'm trying to mark checkboxes in a PDF file with pdfrw. That means changing the checkboxes "AS" value from the default "/Off" to "/Yes". pdfrw is currently forcing parentheses around my "/Yes" when it writes to file, so it doesn't work. How do I keep it from adding these parentheses? My code: template_pdf = pdfrw.PdfReader(input_pdf_path) annotations = template_pdf.pages[0][/Annots] for annotation in annotations: annotation.update(pdfrw.PdfDict(AS="/Yes")) pdfrw.PdfWriter().write(output

pdfrw checkbox AS values gets unwanted parentheses

柔情痞子 提交于 2021-02-20 02:40:07
问题 So I'm trying to mark checkboxes in a PDF file with pdfrw. That means changing the checkboxes "AS" value from the default "/Off" to "/Yes". pdfrw is currently forcing parentheses around my "/Yes" when it writes to file, so it doesn't work. How do I keep it from adding these parentheses? My code: template_pdf = pdfrw.PdfReader(input_pdf_path) annotations = template_pdf.pages[0][/Annots] for annotation in annotations: annotation.update(pdfrw.PdfDict(AS="/Yes")) pdfrw.PdfWriter().write(output

Remove XMP Metadata on PDF/A

本秂侑毒 提交于 2021-02-19 22:38:38
问题 Is there a way wherein we can remove XMP metadata on a PDF/A Document without removing the PDF/A standardization? I found that using PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(src); PdfDictionary dict = reader.getCatalog(); dict.remove(PdfName.METADATA); dict.remove(PdfName.PROPERTIES); reader.removeUnusedObjects(); Removes both XMP and PDF/A. Is there a way to remove the XMP while retaining the standard or reintroducing PDF/A into the processed document? Thanks. 回答1: You can't remove the XMP

Remove XMP Metadata on PDF/A

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2021-02-19 22:34:28
问题 Is there a way wherein we can remove XMP metadata on a PDF/A Document without removing the PDF/A standardization? I found that using PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(src); PdfDictionary dict = reader.getCatalog(); dict.remove(PdfName.METADATA); dict.remove(PdfName.PROPERTIES); reader.removeUnusedObjects(); Removes both XMP and PDF/A. Is there a way to remove the XMP while retaining the standard or reintroducing PDF/A into the processed document? Thanks. 回答1: You can't remove the XMP