I'm developing a C # application to write data to smartcards through the Datacard SD360 printer.
After downloading the SDK provided by the manufacturer (at this link: https://www.datacard.com/id-card-printer-support-and-drivers/sd360-id-card-printer#drivers-and-downloads), I encountered some issues with the IBidiSpl Interface, used in the SDK examples.
I am using the SendRecv method to send data to the printer, however the xml returned always brings the CDATA [] field empty.
public string SendRecv(string action, string actionType, string data) {
IntPtr dataPointer = default(IntPtr);
IntPtr dataTypePointer = default(IntPtr);
IntPtr sizePointer = default(IntPtr);
IntPtr pointerToDataPointer = default(IntPtr);
IntPtr tempResultPointer = default(IntPtr);
IntPtr countPointer = default(IntPtr);
IntPtr resultPointer = default(IntPtr);
string xml = string.Empty;
try {
BidiRequest bidiRequest = (BidiRequest) Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(BidiRequest), true);
IBidiRequest iBidiRequest = (IBidiRequest) bidiRequest;
// Set the input data for the request, if any
if (data.Length != 0) {
dataPointer = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(data.Length * sizeof(char));
var chars = data.ToCharArray();
Marshal.Copy(chars, 0, dataPointer, data.Length);
iBidiRequest.SetInputData((UInt32) BIDI_TYPE.BIDI_BLOB, dataPointer, (UInt32) data.Length * sizeof(char));
// Send request to driver
var val = _iBidiSpl.SendRecv(actionType, iBidiRequest);
// Check if request was a success
resultPointer = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(sizeof(Int32));
// Call the method
// Get the value
Int32 result = (Int32) Marshal.PtrToStructure(resultPointer, typeof(Int32));
const int resultSuccess = 0;
if (result == resultSuccess) {
// Check if any data was returned. Note: dxp01sdk.strings.ENDJOB
// and dxp01sdk.strings.PRINTER_ACTION do not return any values.
// First allocate memory
countPointer = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(sizeof(Int32));
// Call the method
// Get the value
Int32 count = (Int32) Marshal.PtrToStructure(countPointer, typeof(Int32));
if (count != 0) {
// Driver sent some data. Now retrieve the data sent by the driver
// First allocate memory for type and size
dataTypePointer = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(sizeof(Int32));
sizePointer = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(sizeof(Int32));
// Now allocate memory for data. Also add level of indirection.
IntPtr ptrTemp = default(IntPtr);
pointerToDataPointer = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(sizeof(Int32));
Marshal.StructureToPtr(ptrTemp, pointerToDataPointer, false);
// Finally, retrieve the data sent by the driver
string schema = string.Empty;
iBidiRequest.GetOutputData(0, schema, dataTypePointer, pointerToDataPointer, sizePointer);
// Get the size of the data in bytes returned from SendRecv method.
Int32 size = (Int32) Marshal.PtrToStructure(sizePointer, typeof(Int32));
// Get the data itself. First remove level of indirection
tempResultPointer = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(pointerToDataPointer);
// Get Unicode string from pointer. Unicode characters are 16-bit characters.
// size contains the number of bytes returned by SendRecv method
xml = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(tempResultPointer, size / sizeof(char));
finally {
return xml;
XML returned:
Anyone who has ever used the IBidiSpl interface or already made an application for some Datacard printer would have an idea of what might be happening?