
Does XML officially support a “dir” or “xml:dir” attribute?

岁酱吖の 提交于 2021-02-10 05:38:13
问题 You can find various documents that say to specify the language of the content of an XML document, use xml:lang , like this: <foobar xml:lang="en">...</foobar> HTML and XHTML has the attribute dir that lets you specify that the text should be considered left-to-right by default, or right-to-left by default: <html dir="rtl">...</html> Is there an equivalent attribute for XML? Is the only solution to include Unicode RIGHT-TO-LEFT mark in every text node? 回答1: The W3C XML Recommendation itself

Does XML officially support a “dir” or “xml:dir” attribute?

我们两清 提交于 2021-02-10 05:38:11
问题 You can find various documents that say to specify the language of the content of an XML document, use xml:lang , like this: <foobar xml:lang="en">...</foobar> HTML and XHTML has the attribute dir that lets you specify that the text should be considered left-to-right by default, or right-to-left by default: <html dir="rtl">...</html> Is there an equivalent attribute for XML? Is the only solution to include Unicode RIGHT-TO-LEFT mark in every text node? 回答1: The W3C XML Recommendation itself

Python arabic text returns in right-to-left orientation instead of left-to-right

此生再无相见时 提交于 2021-01-29 09:39:21
问题 I'm working on a python project with Python(3.6) and Flask in which I have to return a text in Arabic. When I print the text in the console it works well but when I return it as response it's order changes to right-to-left. Here's what I have tried: from odoa import ODOA import arabic_reshaper from bidi.algorithm import get_display from flask import Flask import json app = Flask(__name__) app.config['JSON_AS_ASCII'] = False @app.route('/', methods=['GET']) def get_an_ayah(): odoa = ODOA()

Writing data to a datacard using the IBidiSpl interface

早过忘川 提交于 2020-05-13 20:31:03
问题 I'm developing a C # application to write data to smartcards through the Datacard SD360 printer. After downloading the SDK provided by the manufacturer (at this link:, I encountered some issues with the IBidiSpl Interface, used in the SDK examples. I am using the SendRecv method to send data to the printer, however the xml returned always brings the CDATA [] field empty. public string

Writing data to a datacard using the IBidiSpl interface

那年仲夏 提交于 2020-05-13 20:22:41
问题 I'm developing a C # application to write data to smartcards through the Datacard SD360 printer. After downloading the SDK provided by the manufacturer (at this link:, I encountered some issues with the IBidiSpl Interface, used in the SDK examples. I am using the SendRecv method to send data to the printer, however the xml returned always brings the CDATA [] field empty. public string

Writing data to a datacard using the IBidiSpl interface

纵饮孤独 提交于 2020-05-13 20:21:40
问题 I'm developing a C # application to write data to smartcards through the Datacard SD360 printer. After downloading the SDK provided by the manufacturer (at this link:, I encountered some issues with the IBidiSpl Interface, used in the SDK examples. I am using the SendRecv method to send data to the printer, however the xml returned always brings the CDATA [] field empty. public string

Writing data to a datacard using the IBidiSpl interface

隐身守侯 提交于 2020-05-13 20:18:54
问题 I'm developing a C # application to write data to smartcards through the Datacard SD360 printer. After downloading the SDK provided by the manufacturer (at this link:, I encountered some issues with the IBidiSpl Interface, used in the SDK examples. I am using the SendRecv method to send data to the printer, however the xml returned always brings the CDATA [] field empty. public string

How to invert direction of brackets (for a right to left text) for arabic language

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2019-12-23 10:53:25
问题 When I am trying to use brackets in Arabic language, they are getting reversed as shown in the attached . I have tried using textDirection RTL and BidiFormatter, but none of them works. The correct string is something like this "(باقة مسافر إسبوعي (مسبق". Does anyone know, how to solve it? 回答1: I have found it. The solution is below: String targetString = "\u200E"+originalString 来源:

How to invert direction of brackets (for a right to left text) for arabic language

浪子不回头ぞ 提交于 2019-12-23 10:53:09
问题 When I am trying to use brackets in Arabic language, they are getting reversed as shown in the attached . I have tried using textDirection RTL and BidiFormatter, but none of them works. The correct string is something like this "(باقة مسافر إسبوعي (مسبق". Does anyone know, how to solve it? 回答1: I have found it. The solution is below: String targetString = "\u200E"+originalString 来源:

How to get python-docx working with complex scripts?

泄露秘密 提交于 2019-12-14 02:24:31
问题 I have a working docx generator which works fine for European languages, and I'm trying to add complex script support. I found another question with some recipes to try: python-docx add_style with CTL (Complex text layout) language I managed to get it working so that complex-script text comes out in the correct typeface and size, but I can't get bidirectional (right-to-left) text working. The obvious "x.font.rtl = True" doesn't work, and neither does the spell given in the other post ("lang