I'm digging around Apple documentation about on-demand resources but I can't find this information..
Is it possible to fetch On-Demand Resources (eg. image, Javascript bundle) from a WKWebView via Javascript?
My intent is to publish some (big) HTML+JS games on Apple servers as On-Demand tagged Resources and then fetch them via Javascript XHR calls or through a Cordova/Phonegap/Ionic plugin.
In this way:
We would not affect the App final bundle size including all the games
Apple would be able to review the games (since it's not externally "injected code" - that is against their guidelines).
In my specific case, I would use the Cordova plugin cordova-plugin-file to fetch/download the bundle with the additional HTML page with the game to display.
This is what we need to achieve due to business constraints. Is it feasible?
- It looks like it is possible to download a zip file, uncompress it and load it into the Cordova webview using a Cordova only solution (using cordova-plugin-file).
- Apple only lets you access those On-Demand Resources using their Native API, they don't have exposed those via an external API.
So, in order to load ODRs in a Cordova App, we would need to create a custom plugin that calls the Native API that takes care of loading the On-Demand Resources (see NSBundleResourceRequest).
Reply found in the Reddit Flutter community: