I'm using powershell 4 to invoke the Mirth Connect command line interface (mccommand.exe). I am explicitly avoiding use of the "-s" parameter of the Mirth CLI to pass a Mirth script file because I want to pass dynamic commands instead to the Mirth Shell.
When I invoke mccommand.exe from an interactive powershell console, I am able to connect to the Mirth Connect server and the Mirth Shell is opened where I can run one or more Mirth Shell commands to manage Mirth Channels.
. "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mirth Connect\mccommand.exe" -a "https://localhost:8443" -u admin_user -p admin_password
Connected to Mirth Connect server @ https://localhost:8443 (
When I run the same command from within a powershell script via the Windows Powershell ISE, I get the same "Connected to Mirth Connect server @ https://localhost:8443 (" message but the script waits and I never get the "$" command prompt that allows me to pass Mirth Shell commands to Mirth.
Any thoughts on how I can route commands to the Mirth Shell via a Powershell script?
So you have to pass all the mirth shell commands as text file. This is what I use to import and deploy any channel.
Follow the below code:
Set-Location 'C:\Mirth Connect'
$ChannelOutput=.\mccommand.exe -a https://localhost:38443 -u username -p password -s "C:\commands.txt"
If($ChannelOutput -like '*successfully*')
"Channel created successfully and deplyed"
The Text file should have the set of commands like the below:
import "C:\TestServiceChannel1.xml" Force
channel deploy "Channel_name"