

孤人 提交于 2021-02-20 11:36:34
研究人员在分析了数十亿次攻击后警告说,Microsoft Office宏,PowerShell等仍在通过网络钓鱼电子邮件分发攻击的网络罪犯中很受欢迎。 创建恶意的Office宏仍然是网络犯罪分子部署的最常见的攻击技术,他们试图诱骗受害者打开网上诱骗电子邮件,从而危害PC。 网络钓鱼电子邮件是大多数网络入侵的第一步,网络犯罪分子使用心理技巧诱使潜在受害者打开并与恶意消息进行交互。 这些可能包括创建声称来自知名品牌的电子邮件,虚假发票,甚至声称来自老板的邮件。 网络犯罪分子可以利用多种方法来利用网络钓鱼电子邮件来获得所需的访问权限,据网络安全公司Proofpoint的研究人员称,Office宏是实现此目的的最常用方法。 宏是Microsoft Office的一项功能 ,允许用户启用自动命令来帮助运行任务。但是,该功能也被网络罪犯滥用。由于通常默认情况下启用宏来运行命令,因此这些宏 可用于执行恶意代码 -从而为网络犯罪分子提供了偷偷摸摸的方式来控制PC。 这些活动中的许多活动将通过声称需要使用功能来查看Microsoft Word或Microsoft Excel附件,使用社会工程学来鼓励受害者启用宏。事实证明,这是对网络罪犯的一种成功的攻击方法,Office宏占攻击总量的十分之一。 但是Office宏并不是网络罪犯为了使黑客活动尽可能成功而通常采用的唯一攻击技术。

Scheduling a powershell script to run every 20 minutes

元气小坏坏 提交于 2021-02-20 05:14:18
问题 I am writing a script to check mail and I want it to check the unread mail every 20 or 30 minutes how can I schedule this task to run every 30 minutes using powershell. 回答1: Here's a sample Powershell script which creates a scheduled task which can run with admin privileges passing argument -RunLevel Highest makes it run as administrator, you may need to provide valid username/password which has admin right on the machine $frequencyInMin = 20 $taskAction = New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute

Scheduling a powershell script to run every 20 minutes

心已入冬 提交于 2021-02-20 05:13:14
问题 I am writing a script to check mail and I want it to check the unread mail every 20 or 30 minutes how can I schedule this task to run every 30 minutes using powershell. 回答1: Here's a sample Powershell script which creates a scheduled task which can run with admin privileges passing argument -RunLevel Highest makes it run as administrator, you may need to provide valid username/password which has admin right on the machine $frequencyInMin = 20 $taskAction = New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute

Scheduling a powershell script to run every 20 minutes

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2021-02-20 05:13:11
问题 I am writing a script to check mail and I want it to check the unread mail every 20 or 30 minutes how can I schedule this task to run every 30 minutes using powershell. 回答1: Here's a sample Powershell script which creates a scheduled task which can run with admin privileges passing argument -RunLevel Highest makes it run as administrator, you may need to provide valid username/password which has admin right on the machine $frequencyInMin = 20 $taskAction = New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute

Scheduling a powershell script to run every 20 minutes

吃可爱长大的小学妹 提交于 2021-02-20 05:12:51
问题 I am writing a script to check mail and I want it to check the unread mail every 20 or 30 minutes how can I schedule this task to run every 30 minutes using powershell. 回答1: Here's a sample Powershell script which creates a scheduled task which can run with admin privileges passing argument -RunLevel Highest makes it run as administrator, you may need to provide valid username/password which has admin right on the machine $frequencyInMin = 20 $taskAction = New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute

Uninstall Device from powershell

纵饮孤独 提交于 2021-02-20 05:12:33
问题 I run automation that installs a preset OS /w Drivers and configuration. I inherited the automation second hand and there's a lot to it. I have a system with hybrid graphics and it hands on verifying the display drivers. Now, I can walk over to the machine, open device manager, right click on one of the graphics devices, click uninstall (i do not delete the driver files) and then the automation continues. Once its done, the system restarts and both device drivers are back. I am wondering if

Uninstall Device from powershell

旧巷老猫 提交于 2021-02-20 05:09:47
问题 I run automation that installs a preset OS /w Drivers and configuration. I inherited the automation second hand and there's a lot to it. I have a system with hybrid graphics and it hands on verifying the display drivers. Now, I can walk over to the machine, open device manager, right click on one of the graphics devices, click uninstall (i do not delete the driver files) and then the automation continues. Once its done, the system restarts and both device drivers are back. I am wondering if

QProcess: not receiving finished() signal running Powershell script

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2021-02-20 04:36:01
问题 I am developing a Qt application that, among other things, converts an Excel spreadsheet in a text delimited with tab file. This is done by running a Windows Powershell script. My problem is that the finished() signal from the QProcess is never emitted, although the conversion is done successfully. And yes, I receive stateChanged() signal. Powershell script (ps_excel.ps1) (adapted from this question) param ([string]$ent = $null, [string]$sal = $null) $xlCSV = -4158 #value for tab delimited

Certain commands like IISRESET and ROBOCOPY have stopped working in Powershell v4

亡梦爱人 提交于 2021-02-20 04:35:27
问题 Certain commands like IISRESET and ROBOCOPY have stopped working in Powershell v4 I have a pretty large script that runs those 2 commands at certain points, but these now both give me the general error: iisreset : The term 'iisreset' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again. These commands still work from CMD. The only changes that were made is

QProcess: not receiving finished() signal running Powershell script

痴心易碎 提交于 2021-02-20 04:34:07
问题 I am developing a Qt application that, among other things, converts an Excel spreadsheet in a text delimited with tab file. This is done by running a Windows Powershell script. My problem is that the finished() signal from the QProcess is never emitted, although the conversion is done successfully. And yes, I receive stateChanged() signal. Powershell script (ps_excel.ps1) (adapted from this question) param ([string]$ent = $null, [string]$sal = $null) $xlCSV = -4158 #value for tab delimited