How to test if a method of an object is called inside completion handler block using OCMock?

a 夏天 提交于 2020-01-23 10:48:05


I have a method:

@implementation SomeClass

- (void)thisMethod:(ObjectA *)objA {
    [APIClient connectToAPIWithCompletionHandler:^(id result){
        if (result) [objA methodOne];
        else [objA methodTwo];

Is there a way to verify methodOne or methodTwo will be called when thisMethod: is called? Basically I just want to stub that connectToAPIWithCompletionHandler: method. Right now I can do this by swizzling connectToAPIWithCompletionHandler: method. But I want to know if there's better way.

I found similar question here, but it's using instance method while in my case is class method.


Try this:

- (void)test_thisMethod {
    id mockA = [OCMockObject mockForClass:[ObjectA class]];
    id mockClient = [OCMockObject mockForClass:[APIClient class]];

    // Use class method mocking on APIClient
    [[mockClient expect] andDo:(NSInvocation *invocation) {
        void (^completion)(id result) = [invocation getArgumentAtIndexAsObject:2];
    }] connectToAPIWithCompletionHandler:OCMOCK_ANY];

    [[mockA expect] methodTwo];

    [[SomeClass new] thisMethod:mockA];

    [mockA verify];
    [mockClient verify];        

Note that I typed this direct into the browser, but hopefully it's close to working.

