When I try to execute the stored procedure in ColdFusion, then not all of the information is returned.
- I'm running ColdFusion 9.0.1 w/ Hot Fix 2.
- I'm working with SQL Server 2008 r2.
- I'm limited to stored procedure calls.
- I can execute a stored procedure in SQL Server Management Studio to return a single record either in as a variable or as a select statement. The complete record is returned.
- The data stored in the database is 36539 characters long.
- The data returned by ColdFusion from a resultset is 32000 characters long.
- The data returned by ColdFusion from a cf_sql_varchar is 4000 characters long.
- The data returned by ColdFusion from a cf_sql_longvarchar is 4000 characters long.
- The data returned by ColdFusion from a cf_sql_text is 4000 characters long.
- The data returned by ColdFusion from a cf_sql_text is 4000 characters long.
Any ideas on how I can get my data with a ColdFusion stored procedure call?
Try this:
1) Log in to your ColdFusion administrator
2) Click on "Data Sources" on the navigation menu (under Data & Services)
3) Click on your data source
4) Click on the "Show Advanced Settings" button at the bottom of the page
5) Check the box next to "CLOB"
I would bet the "Buffer" values in the next boxes are "4000" on your server.
The default is "64000", which may be a clue than I am off base here.