
Retrieving Data From Returned Oracle Timestamp Column

我是研究僧i 提交于 2021-02-20 09:57:47
问题 We have a ColdFusion 8 (Linux) application that uses an Oracle timestamp. We just converted to Oracle 11g from 10g and we're now using Oracle's thin client on the data sources. We're getting an error in the application where a timestamp column is selected. It seems as though an object of class oracle.sql.TIMESTAMP is being returned. I verified this by dumping the contents of the column. Sure enough, it gives me a break down of the object's methods and their return types. But, I can't seem to

Localhost Coldfusion install showing cfquery parameters on page (Not speaking with ODBC)

此生再无相见时 提交于 2021-02-11 14:38:32
问题 Goal: Run cfquery of remote server on local Coldfusion install. Problem/Symptoms: The cfquery parameters are printing onto the screen, instead of running query on remote.Example of cfquery parameter printout on screen Facts: Running Mac OS X Mojave (10.14.3). Coldfusion is installed. I can access the CF Admin panel at http://localhost:8500/CFIDE/administrator/index.cfm Data Source is installed in Coldfusion Admin and status is "OK" Using Mamp Pro 5.3. It's running -- can start and stop Apache

How can I preserve the assign order in a structure in ColdFusion <2016

南笙酒味 提交于 2021-02-10 05:27:47
问题 ColdFusion doesn't preserve the order in which elements were assigned to the structure. This gives a problem when, in my particular case, I need to create a SOAP envelope from this structure and the receiver needs to data in the envelope in a particular order. Starting from ColdFusion 2016 and higher, there is a "type" option in the StructNew() method where you can specify "Ordered". Unfortunately, I'm still on CF9.02... For example (in CF9): <cfscript> myStruct=StructNew();

How can I preserve the assign order in a structure in ColdFusion <2016

老子叫甜甜 提交于 2021-02-10 05:27:25
问题 ColdFusion doesn't preserve the order in which elements were assigned to the structure. This gives a problem when, in my particular case, I need to create a SOAP envelope from this structure and the receiver needs to data in the envelope in a particular order. Starting from ColdFusion 2016 and higher, there is a "type" option in the StructNew() method where you can specify "Ordered". Unfortunately, I'm still on CF9.02... For example (in CF9): <cfscript> myStruct=StructNew();

ColdFusion 9 CFZIP Unzip Error On a Zip File Created From ColdFusion 11 CFZIP

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2021-02-09 14:15:28
问题 The ColdFusion application that I support is installed at two different locations. One location is running Windows Server 2008 with ColdFusion 9 and MS SQL Server 2008 and the other is running Windows Server 2012 with ColdFusion 11 and MS SQL Server 2012. The application provides an export process, using CFZIP action = "zip" and then the zip file is imported on the destination machine, using CFZIP action = "unzip" . Here is the code I have to generate the zip file for export: <cfzip file=

ColdFusion 9 CFZIP Unzip Error On a Zip File Created From ColdFusion 11 CFZIP

主宰稳场 提交于 2021-02-09 14:10:26
问题 The ColdFusion application that I support is installed at two different locations. One location is running Windows Server 2008 with ColdFusion 9 and MS SQL Server 2008 and the other is running Windows Server 2012 with ColdFusion 11 and MS SQL Server 2012. The application provides an export process, using CFZIP action = "zip" and then the zip file is imported on the destination machine, using CFZIP action = "unzip" . Here is the code I have to generate the zip file for export: <cfzip file=

v-card-media with base64 image

谁都会走 提交于 2021-02-07 18:22:59
问题 I am creating a captcha image in ColdFusion and returning it as a REST feed with Taffy. It is then shown in Vuetify ColdFusion / Taffy code <cfscript> component extends="taffy.core.resource" taffy_uri="/captcha" { function get() hint="Sends one out" { var captcha = CreateUUID().right(4) & DayOfWeekAsString(DayOfWeek(now())).left(1).lcase() & "!"; // This is ColdFusion var tempFile = "ram:///#captcha#.txt"; var myImage = ImageCreateCaptcha(100, 300, captcha, "low"); ImageWriteBase64(myImage,

How to call cffunction on the cfm page from javascript?

瘦欲@ 提交于 2021-02-07 09:44:09
问题 I was wondering if I can call cffunction on my cfm page? I have onClick button that should make a call to the cffunction that is on the same page. Also I have tried to put cfcomponent around my function but I was getting this error: Invalid CFML construct found on line 94 at column 1. ColdFusion was looking at the following text: < The CFML compiler was processing: < marks the beginning of a ColdFusion tag.Did you mean LT or LTE? So far I have this: <cffunction name="getRecords" access=

How to call cffunction on the cfm page from javascript?

不打扰是莪最后的温柔 提交于 2021-02-07 09:43:10
问题 I was wondering if I can call cffunction on my cfm page? I have onClick button that should make a call to the cffunction that is on the same page. Also I have tried to put cfcomponent around my function but I was getting this error: Invalid CFML construct found on line 94 at column 1. ColdFusion was looking at the following text: < The CFML compiler was processing: < marks the beginning of a ColdFusion tag.Did you mean LT or LTE? So far I have this: <cffunction name="getRecords" access=

cfmail group attribute throws error

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2021-02-05 09:38:29
问题 I have a query which returns multiple results with just data in one column as different for a particular report number. I want to group the results for one report number and send an email to one person for all the action items. Below is my query <cfquery name="qryCorrectiveDueDate" datasource="#application.config.DSN#"> SELECT FR.report_id, FR.report_number, IR.investigation_id, CA.action_who, CA.action_who_email, CA.action_what, CA.action_when, CA.action_type, CA.action_complete_date FROM