In Xcode 3 one used to be able to define Outlets, Actions etc in Interface Builder by going to the Library > Classes Pane and selecting the class from the list. Is this functionality missing in Xcode 4 ?
There is a File Template Library in the Utility area (Lower Right Corner) in Xcode 4 but my custom clases do not show here !!
This does appear to be removed from Xcode 4, but there isn't much need for it anymore since Xcode 4 integrates the editor directly with IB. The feature never really worked that well in Xcode 3 IMO anyway.
In Xcode 4, display the header for your object by selecting your object and View>Editors>Assistant. Now control-drag from the object you want to connect into the header. This will let you automatically create an outlet or action and bind it all at once.
See the Xcode 4 Transition Guide for more information.
agreed with Rob on that, alternative is to right click your Object in xcode's IB and this will give allow you to select actions/reference etc by means of dragging and dropping