
(change) vs (ngModelChange) in angular

自作多情 提交于 2019-12-17 03:21:23
问题 Angular 1 does not accept onchange() event, it's only accepts ng-change() event. Angular 2, on the other hand, accepts both (change) and (ngModelChange) events, which both seems to be doing the same thing. What's the difference? which one is best for performance? ngModelChange : <input type="text" pInputText class="ui-widget ui-text" (ngModelChange)="clearFilter()" placeholder="Find"/> vs change : <input type="text" pInputText class="ui-widget ui-text" (change)="clearFilter()" placeholder=

(ngModelChange) does not fire while remove all values or paste values

霸气de小男生 提交于 2019-12-09 20:19:32
问题 (ngModelChange) event does not fire while clear all values from input field by using ctrl+A or paste value <input pInputText (ngModelChange)="IsElementDataMissingForMultiValue(languages.TranslationValue)" [(ngModel)]="languages.TranslationValue" type="text" /> //controller function Controller() { function IsElementDataMissingForMultiValue(value) { alert(value) } } The ( ngModelChange ) event triggering while removing value one by one or adding value one by one. But it does not trigger when

Angular: Search bar in TypeScript table

微笑、不失礼 提交于 2019-12-02 03:56:33
问题 I have done a simple CRUD application, now I have to add a Search Bar that filters my table and show me the rows with the same letters that I digit. I don't know what to do in my component, I saw different things with pipes and filter but I couldn't adapt them to my project. I would like to know if there is a method that I can implement to my component.ts without creating a new one. COMPONENT.HTML <div class="container"> <ul class="table-wrapper"> <div class="table-title"> <div class="row">

Angular: Search bar in TypeScript table

陌路散爱 提交于 2019-12-02 01:37:21
I have done a simple CRUD application, now I have to add a Search Bar that filters my table and show me the rows with the same letters that I digit. I don't know what to do in my component, I saw different things with pipes and filter but I couldn't adapt them to my project. I would like to know if there is a method that I can implement to my component.ts without creating a new one. COMPONENT.HTML <div class="container"> <ul class="table-wrapper"> <div class="table-title"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-4"> <button *ngIf="metadata && metadata.addMD" (click)="addFunc(metadata)">{{metadata

(change) vs (ngModelChange) in angular

断了今生、忘了曾经 提交于 2019-11-26 16:58:07
Angular 1 does not accept the onchange event, it's only accepts the ng-change event. Angular 2, on the other hand, accepts both (change) and (ngModelChange) events, which both seem to be doing the same thing. What's the difference? which one is best for performance? ngModelChange : <input type="text" pInputText class="ui-widget ui-text" (ngModelChange)="clearFilter()" placeholder="Find"/> vs change : <input type="text" pInputText class="ui-widget ui-text" (change)="clearFilter()" placeholder="Find"/> omeralper (change) event bound to classical input change event.