
Xcode C++ omp.h file not found

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2021-02-10 06:22:34
问题 I’m trying to include openmp to my Xcode C++ project. I have changed my compiler in Xcode to LLVM GCC 4.2, added ”-fopenmp” as a CFlag and enabled OpenMP support in xcode as well. But it still says ”‘omp.h’ file not found” and i am unable to build the project. Does anyone know what could be wrong and how to fix this? 回答1: I have had the same problem. Try going to the project navigator using the panel at the left side. Select your project (the one with the blue icon), and a different main

Cocoa Key Equivalent in Menu is not working

孤街浪徒 提交于 2021-02-10 05:51:53
问题 I have created a NSStatusItem and I have assigned two key equivalents within interface builder (Xcode 4.0). These are for the preference menu cmd-, and the quit option cmd-q. Both of these will work when the Menu is highlighted/open but will not work otherwise even if the application is the foremost. Any ideas on why this is happening or how I can change this? 回答1: The operating system passes key events that it doesn't handle to the front application, which compares them to any key

Cocoa Key Equivalent in Menu is not working

Deadly 提交于 2021-02-10 05:51:51
问题 I have created a NSStatusItem and I have assigned two key equivalents within interface builder (Xcode 4.0). These are for the preference menu cmd-, and the quit option cmd-q. Both of these will work when the Menu is highlighted/open but will not work otherwise even if the application is the foremost. Any ideas on why this is happening or how I can change this? 回答1: The operating system passes key events that it doesn't handle to the front application, which compares them to any key

Anchors in help-book not working

帅比萌擦擦* 提交于 2021-02-06 09:11:52
问题 I've double checked everything and hoping someone can find a stupid mistake that I'm not seeing. I'm trying to build a Apple Help section for my application and it correctly goes to the landing page however none of the anchors work. The landing page is called index.html and the other page is called test.html which is located in the pgs directory. In index.html I have: <a href="help:anchor=support bookID=com.company.app_name.help">Link to another page</a> In test.html I have: <a name="support"

Anchors in help-book not working

早过忘川 提交于 2021-02-06 09:11:02
问题 I've double checked everything and hoping someone can find a stupid mistake that I'm not seeing. I'm trying to build a Apple Help section for my application and it correctly goes to the landing page however none of the anchors work. The landing page is called index.html and the other page is called test.html which is located in the pgs directory. In index.html I have: <a href="help:anchor=support bookID=com.company.app_name.help">Link to another page</a> In test.html I have: <a name="support"

Why are static library symbols not included in dSYM during archive?

家住魔仙堡 提交于 2021-02-06 04:27:10
问题 We have a pretty major application suite for a client with a couple application targets utilizing several static libraries that we made in house. All targets are contained in one XCode project file. For some reason when archiving an application the dSYM file does not contain any debug symbols for static libraries. The result is when trying to symbolicate crash logs from field agents we cannot see what is going on inside those static libraries. I attempted to create a new simple XCode project

Is there a hot key available or configurable in Xcode for the “back button”?

孤者浪人 提交于 2021-01-28 11:50:50
问题 The backbutton in Xcode is super useful for me, especially when I CMD+CLICK to see a declaration, but I always have to use the mouse to click the arrow back button. Is this configurable to hot key? Thanks!!! 回答1: ^⌘← unless I redefined that :P Press "⌘," and go to Key Bindings to see the whole list. You can type "back" in the search box. 回答2: I have a Logitech mouse with physical back/forward buttons. By default these buttons map to ⌘[ and ⌘]. Unfortunately these keystrokes default in Xcode

How can I have the only column of my NSTableView take all the width of the TableView?

别来无恙 提交于 2020-08-20 23:08:12
问题 I am currently trying to learn a bit of Cocoa (using the book Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X). In one of the exercises, we set up a NSTableView with only one column, to act as a list of things. What annoys me is that in Interface Builder, I could not find a way to have the (only) column always take the full width of the NSTableView . As a consequence, it always somehow looks like there are 2 columns when there is actually only one. Any idea ? 回答1: This is just an IB problem that happens all