In ColdFusion 9 we have pdf data stored in a blob in the database.
How do I get that into a cfpdf variable? It seems like all options require a filename. Is there a way to do it without writing a file?
are for creating and modifying a PDF dynamically. As you already have the PDF in a blob in your database you simply need the CF page to send it back as part of the response using CFCONTENT
. Assuming you are using some type of ID to reference which PDF you want to retrieve from your database an example would look like this:
<cfquery name="qryFile" datasource="MyDatasourceHere">
SELECT id, name, data
FROM files
WHERE id = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#URL.id#" />
<cfheader name="content-length" value="#ArrayLen(qryFile.data)#" />
<cfheader name="content-disposition" value="attachment; filename=#qryFile.name#" />
<cfcontent type="application/octet-stream" variable="#qryFile.data#" />