I am currently developing a titanium app for android and iOs including an imageView which should be scrollable and scalable (via a slider). I already get this to work on iOs but on Android it is really hard to achieve the scrolling behaviour. I decided to use the TiTouchImageView module but the documentation only shows how to use it in a non-Alloy project. My current code looks like this:
if (Ti.Platform.osname == "android") {
var TiTouchImageView = require('org.iotashan.TiTouchImageView');
var androidImageView = TiTouchImageView.createView({
top: 0,
left: 0,
zoom: originalScaleValue,
maxZoom: originalScaleValue*2,
minZoom: originalScaleValue,
image: blob, });
} else {
But is there a possibility to load this via the view.xml as an alloy component?
EDIT: I tried it using the module
tag in alloy:
<ScrollView id="androidInnerImageScrollView">
<Module module="org.iotashan.titouchimageview" id="androidPicture"></Module>
But I keep getting this error message:
Uncaught Error: Requested module not found: org.iotashan.touchimageview
i have been using this in my project like.
In xml
<View id="windowView" module="org.iotashan.TiTouchImageView" platform="android" minZoom="0.1" maxZoom="9.5"></View>
In tss
top: 44,
height: Ti.UI.FILL,
width: Ti.UI.FILL,
backgroundColor: "trasparent"
$.windowView.image = "image path here"
And its working like a charm.
Thanks for your input Arturo, but this was not the problem. I finally figured out how to use a module in an alloy project by reading the guide. My final code looks like this:
<Module module="org.iotashan.TiTouchImageView" id="androidPicture"></Module>
Did you add the module reference to tiapp.xml? Any module should work on Alloy, you only need to take care of the SDK version.