
appcelerator module for existing ios project sdk

断了今生、忘了曾经 提交于 2020-01-06 02:21:06
问题 I want to use into my titanium project the functionalities provided by an existing sdk (deezer sdk). I know I must deal with modules , so I found a lot of tutorials that explain well how to create a titanium module from scratch. But I didn't find something about to explain how to "wrap" an existing ios project within a titanium module. I just need the login/signup functionality and to retrieve the logged user (functionalities provided by the deezer ios sdk, of course). can anybody help me on

titanium android: close application completely (no caching)

江枫思渺然 提交于 2020-01-05 07:04:19
问题 When user presses the back button, titanium application gets closed. But the application can be viewed in cached processes list (under settings-->applications-->running services-->menu pressed-->show cached processes). I want my application to get killed completely when it gets closed. (Just FYI, I am using titanium android module.) Any help? 回答1: There is a boolean property on the window for Android only. Before opening the window, set win.exitOnClose = true; 回答2: Don't do that. Chez Android

How to retrive values from Database in Titanium Alloy?

给你一囗甜甜゛ 提交于 2020-01-03 00:50:08
问题 I'm new to Titanium API. I want to know how to retrieve values from DB and display in UI. I created a model and inserted a row. My code is as below, Model: var moment = require('alloy/moment'); exports.definition = { config : { "columns": { "id":"text", "LanguageName":"text" }, "adapter": { "type": "sql", "collection_name": "UserLanguage" } }, extendModel: function(Model) { _.extend(Model.prototype, { }); return Model; }, extendCollection: function(Collection) { _.extend(Collection.prototype,

iOS LocationManager is not updating location (Titanium Appcelerator module)

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2019-12-31 05:45:12
问题 I've made Appcelerator Titanium Module for fetching device's rotaion and location. Source can be found on GitHub. The problem is that it fetches only one cached location but device motion data is OK and it is refreshing. I don't use delegate, I pull that data in my Titanium Javascript Code. If I set "City Run" in Simulator -> Debug -> Location nothing happens. The same cached location is returning. Pulling of location is OK because I tried with native app wich does this: textView.text =

How to select multiple images from gallery in titanium?

﹥>﹥吖頭↗ 提交于 2019-12-30 10:16:24
问题 Here I have the code to select image from gallery, but how can I select multiple images from gallery? Ti.Media.openPhotoGallery({ // allowEditing:true, mediaTypes : [Ti.Media.MEDIA_TYPE_PHOTO], success : function(e) { alert(e); ImageView.image = e.media; //alert('height:'+e.media.height+'width:'+e.media.height); lblWidth.text = 'W :'+e.media.width; lblHeight.text ='H :' +e.media.height; }, cancel : function() { }, error : function(err) { } }); 回答1: Here I found the module for android Link for

How to make Xcode Run Script x86_64 compatible

南笙酒味 提交于 2019-12-25 08:56:37
问题 Hello hello community! So here is my issue, welll not really an issue but the following Run Script compiles my static library and it works great! my only issue is that it doesnt compile it for the simulator and i get a x86_64 error. I know that i could just edit this code to make it compatible can someone tell me what i need to do?? # define output folder environment variable UNIVERSAL_OUTPUTFOLDER=${BUILD_DIR}/${CONFIGURATION}-universal # Step 1. Build Device and Simulator versions

Issue with displaying the radio button label in tianium?

别说谁变了你拦得住时间么 提交于 2019-12-24 12:23:55
问题 I have created a radio button from the following link, https://github.com/yozef/TiRadioButtonGroup. I am able to see the radio buttons but the respective radio button labels are not showing. How can we display the radio button labels. My code: View: <Alloy> <Window class="container"> <View id="radiopicker" ></View> </Window> </Alloy> Style: ".container": { backgroundColor:"red", layout: 'vertical' } "#radiopicker": { width: '90%', top: '25dp' } Controller: (function() { var radioButton =

Honeywell's Captuvo SL22 SDK

你。 提交于 2019-12-23 21:25:31
问题 I am looking for help in integrating Captuvo SL22 SDK within appcelerator. The Captuvo SDK comes with the Captuvo scanner/msr for ipod. I am trying to use Captuvo SDK in a custom module and call it in the main app. I am able to establish a connection with the Captuvo Device by using the following code in the custom module startup method: -(void) startup{ self.captuvo = [Captuvo sharedCaptuvoDevice]; [self.captuvo addCaptuvoDelegate:self]; [self.captuvo startDecoderHardware]; } -(void)

Library stlport_shared not found in Titanium Application

試著忘記壹切 提交于 2019-12-23 15:09:48
问题 I want create a Titanium module, therefore I have a class that extends KrollModule and its method: @Kroll.method public void example() { Activity activity = this.getActivity(); String filesDir = activity.getFilesDir().getAbsolutePath(); } When I try to use this module in my application in this way: var w = require('com.module3'); w.example(); I have the follow error: [ERROR][TiApplication( 286)] (KrollRuntimeThread) [30,975] Sending event: exception on thread: KrollRuntimeThread msg:java.lang

Is a TiTouchImageView working in an alloy project? [UPDATE]

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2019-12-20 06:12:57
问题 I am currently developing a titanium app for android and iOs including an imageView which should be scrollable and scalable (via a slider). I already get this to work on iOs but on Android it is really hard to achieve the scrolling behaviour. I decided to use the TiTouchImageView module but the documentation only shows how to use it in a non-Alloy project. My current code looks like this: if (Ti.Platform.osname == "android") { var TiTouchImageView = require('org.iotashan.TiTouchImageView');