RestKit RKDynamicObjectMapping work only for first JSON result

痴心易碎 提交于 2019-12-12 03:08:24


i got into an issue with RKDynamicObjectMapping, however it could be that i misuse it.

I have the following scenario

  1. request to the service to get areas
  2. choose area
  3. request to the service to get journals for selected area

data returned by both calls looks like that

{ d: [{cutID:""}, {cutID:""}, {cutID:""}] } 
{ d: [{journalID:""}, {journalID:""}, {journalID:""}] } 

i have the following code

RKObjectMapping* cutMapping = [RKObjectMapping mappingForClass:[Cut 
[cutMapping mapKeyPath:@"CutID" toAttribute:@"cutID"]; 
RKObjectMapping* journalMapping = [RKObjectMapping mappingForClass: 
[Journal class]]; 
[journalMapping mapKeyPath:@"journalID" toAttribute:@"journalID"]; 
RKDynamicObjectMapping * dynamicMapping  = [RKDynamicObjectMapping 
[dynamicMapping setObjectMapping:journalMapping 
whenValueOfKeyPath:@"__metadata.type" isEqualTo:@"JournalDetails"]; 
[dynamicMapping setObjectMapping:cutMapping 
whenValueOfKeyPath:@"__metadata.type" isEqualTo:@"Cut"]; 
[[[RKObjectManager sharedManager] mappingProvider] 
setMapping:dynamicMapping forKeyPath:@"d"]; 


[objectManager loadObjectsAtResourcePath:getResourcePath 


and later

[objectManager loadObjectsAtResourcePath:getResourcePath 

results of first request, which returns Cut objects, is mapped flawlessly, but not for second which returns Journal objects. logging in request:didLoadResponse showed that service returns expected json , so the issue is with mappings how to make it work with two mappings ?

Anyone using RestKit Dynamic Mapping yet ?


I presume you've checked that your Cut object is mapping to a to-many relationship in the CoreData entity?

If so can you turn on the RESTKit logging and post the results

