

心已入冬 提交于 2020-12-01 01:50:24
@Ivony 老师的一句话概括很精辟: URL定位资源,用HTTP动词(GET,POST,DELETE,DETC)描述操作。 --- 简洁版 --- 0. REST不是"rest"这个单词,而是几个单词缩写。但即使那几个单词说出来,也无法理解在说什么 -_-!! (不是要贬低人,是我自己也理解困难); 1. REST描述的是在网络中client和server的一种交互形式;REST本身不实用,实用的是如何设计 RESTful API(REST风格的网络接口); 2. Server提供的RESTful API中,URL中只使用名词来指定资源,原则上不使用动词。“资源”是REST架构或者说整个网络处理的核心。比如: http:// : 获取某人的新鲜; http:// : 获取某人的好友列表; http:// : 获取某人的详细信息;3. 用HTTP协议里的动词来实现资源的添加,修改,删除等操作。即通过HTTP动词来实现资源的状态扭转: GET 用来获取资源, POST 用来新建资源(也可以用于更新资源), PUT 用来更新资源, DELETE 用来删除资源。比如: DELETE friends:


隐身守侯 提交于 2020-08-20 07:57:52
  大家都知道python是一门多岗位编程语言,学习python之后可以从事的岗位有很多,python爬虫便在其中,不过很多人对python不是很了解,所以也不知道python爬虫是什么,接下来带着你的疑问小编为大家介绍一下。   Python是一门非常适合开发网络爬虫的编程语言,相比于其他静态编程语言,Python抓取网页文档的接口更简洁;相比于其他动态脚本语言,Python的urllib2包提供了较为完整的访问网页文档的API。此外,python中有优秀的第三方包可以高效实现网页抓取,并可用极短的代码完成网页的标签过滤功能。   Python爬虫架构组成:   1. URL管理器:管理待爬取的url集合和已爬取的url集合,传送待爬取的url给网页下载器;   2. 网页下载器:爬取url对应的网页,存储成字符串,传送给网页解析器;   3. 网页解析器:解析出有价值的数据,存储下来,同时补充url到URL管理器。   Python爬虫工作原理:   Python爬虫通过URL管理器,判断是否有待爬URL,如果有待爬URL,通过调度器进行传递给下载器,下载URL内容,并通过调度器传送给解析器,解析URL内容,并将价值数据和新URL列表通过调度器传递给应用程序,并输出价值信息的过程。   Python爬虫常用框架有:   grab:网络爬虫框架;   scrapy:网络爬虫框架

RestKit 0.2x simultaneous RKManagedObjectRequestOperation

ε祈祈猫儿з 提交于 2020-01-25 11:32:31
问题 In RestKit 0.10.3 using delegate methods I was able to send simultaneous GET requests, even if mapping of each one was executed sequentially. I have GET requests which need so much time to receive a response, so I would like to send all requests simultaneously but respect an order in mapping (I have relationships crossing the three requests). What I need: 1) send GET request n. 1, send GET request n. 2, send GET request n. 3 2) start mapping of request 1 as soon as response 1 is received 3)

RestKit 0.2x simultaneous RKManagedObjectRequestOperation

吃可爱长大的小学妹 提交于 2020-01-25 11:32:07
问题 In RestKit 0.10.3 using delegate methods I was able to send simultaneous GET requests, even if mapping of each one was executed sequentially. I have GET requests which need so much time to receive a response, so I would like to send all requests simultaneously but respect an order in mapping (I have relationships crossing the three requests). What I need: 1) send GET request n. 1, send GET request n. 2, send GET request n. 3 2) start mapping of request 1 as soon as response 1 is received 3)

How to make RESTKit call in iOS continue even if home button is pressed or phone goes into standby

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2020-01-25 11:13:31
问题 I currently have an async call to upload a photo, the photo is just a base64 encoded string, and it has been resized so it's not super huge, maybe 800x800 or something like that. The problem I currently have is that even though the upload works, the user can't close the app, hit the home button, or otherwise leave the app while it runs. They CAN however work elsewhere in the app which I guess is a bonus, but how do I make this call continue even if they leave the app? Thanks! Here is the code

CoreData and RestKit performance while importing very large datasets

偶尔善良 提交于 2020-01-22 15:03:43
问题 I am using RestKit for fetching JSON data on various endpoints (on iOS platform). There are several questions on SO which point to the same direction like that one: Importing large datasets on iPhone using CoreData But my question is still a different one, because I know, if the JSON file gets too large, I have to cut it into chunks. I'll do that! How exactly is the importing done with CoreData in RestKit. Seems that there is a parent/child contexts setup, which is very inefficient when

RESTKit POST Request Tutorial

浪子不回头ぞ 提交于 2020-01-22 14:34:11
问题 I would like to know if there is a specific tutorial on how to do a POST request with RESTKit. I have looked at some tutorials but I haven't found any that say, "This is exactly how you do a POST request with RESTKit." Help is much appreciated. 回答1: Assuming you already have a mapped model, you can simply perform this: First, set a requestDescriptor with the inverseMapping of your responseDescriptor , assuming you have one with your mapping. //This is used for mapping responses, you already

Mapping with Restkit with relationships and no key path for some part of the data

旧街凉风 提交于 2020-01-17 06:39:13
问题 I am trying to map this JSON data: { "Id": 1, "Question": [ { "Id": 1, "PicUrl": "sample string 2", "CorrectAnswer": "sample string 3", "Difficulty": 4, "CategoryId": 5, "CategoryName": "sample string 6", "AccountId": 7 }, { "CorrectAnswer": "sample string 3", "Difficulty": 4, "CategoryId": 5, "CategoryName": "sample string 6", "AccountId": 7 }, { "StartTime": "2013-10-09T00:54:46.5522592+00:00" } but I am having some problems. After going trough the object mapping overview of Restkit over

how to set directly nested keypath in Restkit?

烂漫一生 提交于 2020-01-17 05:38:38
问题 hi i need to set directly nested keypath in RKResponseDescriptor like "Data.User" but not getting Value my json like below { "Data":{ "User":{ "name": aaa, "mobile": 123456789 } "ResultType":1 } } i need directly entity map to User Without data is it possible EDIT: my calling code is let userMapping = RKEntityMapping(forEntityForName: "User", inManagedObjectStore: rkomUser.managedObjectStore) userMapping.addAttributeMappingsFromDictionary([ "Name" : "name", "Mobile" : "mobile" ]) let

Restkit + Core Data: Inserts duplicate values in a UITableView on every app launch

*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2020-01-16 01:01:19
问题 Following AlexEdge Tutorial I have encountered the following behavior. I can provide code as requested since there are many lines and I'm not really sure where to look. Basically, it "works" in the sense that the data is properly loaded into the UITableView, but after stopping and starting up the simulator, it inserts new duplicate rows in each section. I figured this would have something to do with caching but I am following the above tutorial pretty closely and I've set the