I need to create a record in mail_vote table(many2many) with fields message_id and user_id Using Web service API. I found a document here: https://www.odoo.com/documentation/8.0/reference/orm.html#openerp.models.Model.write . But i don't know how to use that in my code. Any solution please.
Below i am posting the code snippet for associating (6,0,[ids])]
the Many2many record in product.attribute.line
In Php here i have used
for this task.
$existing_prodid = 59;
$existing_attribute_id = 2;
$existing_value_id = 4;
$product_attribute_line = $models->execute($db, $uid, $password,
array('product_tmpl_id' => $existing_prodid;,
Here the product.attribute.line
have have Many2many relation with product.attribute.value
So this is how i associated a records for value_ids
In python i have used
for this task.
attibute_line = models.execute_kw(dbname, uid, password,
'product.attribute.line', 'create',
[{'product_tmpl_id':59,'attribute_id':2,'value_ids':[(6,0,[4])]}] )
I hope this may help in your case