
How to print a POS receipt from Sale Order?

馋奶兔 提交于 2021-02-04 19:42:32
问题 I need to print POS receipt from sale order with same products qty etc. In Sale order I have created a button "Print POS receIpt". with this button I want to trigger a method that prints out a receipt with sale order lines on it. So I need to find the method that creates POS receipts and pass the sale order line values to it. So which method is printing receipts in POS and how can I trigger it? Is it in models.js ? 回答1: In those Odoo versions, the receipts that are being printed in the POS

How to print a POS receipt from Sale Order?

ⅰ亾dé卋堺 提交于 2021-02-04 19:41:00
问题 I need to print POS receipt from sale order with same products qty etc. In Sale order I have created a button "Print POS receIpt". with this button I want to trigger a method that prints out a receipt with sale order lines on it. So I need to find the method that creates POS receipts and pass the sale order line values to it. So which method is printing receipts in POS and how can I trigger it? Is it in models.js ? 回答1: In those Odoo versions, the receipts that are being printed in the POS

How to format Qweb variables in Odoo

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2021-01-27 22:56:40
问题 I have been trying to display a calculated variable in qweb separated by comma's. <td align="right"> <t t-set="total" t-value="0"/> <t t-foreach="l.invoice_line_tax_id" t-as="t"> <t t-set="total" t-value="total + (t.amount * l.price_subtotal)" /> </t> <span t-esc="'%.2f'%(l.price_subtotal + total)"/> </td> - This line displays the values with decimal points, whereas the digits before decimal is not separated by comma's. For example, the above code would display value as 400000.00 whereas I

ValueError: Expected singleton: - Odoo v8

ぃ、小莉子 提交于 2021-01-27 18:02:24
问题 I have this method, which should loop on a One2many object, but the actual loop isn't working, I mean, if I add just one line it works fine, but if I add more than one line, than it throws me the singleton error: @api.multi @api.depends('order_lines', 'order_lines.isbn') def checkit(self): for record in self: if self.order_lines.isbn: return self.order_lines.isbn else: raise Warning(('Enter​ ​at least​ ​1​ ​ISBN to produce')) These are the two objects on which this method is based upon: class

Apply Multiple filter in odoo at a time

白昼怎懂夜的黑 提交于 2021-01-27 05:58:06
问题 Currently I am using odoov8, my problem is that I have created many filters from xml code as per my requirement and all are working fine ,but I can select only one filter at a time . so for example I want to apply any 3 Filters in tree view , then I need to select first one , then system loads the data , then I select 2nd and then 3rd filter , so system is loading after applying each filter . I want to achieve that if I can select all my filters at once and then I can apply search , so system

Apply Multiple filter in odoo at a time

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2021-01-27 05:57:49
问题 Currently I am using odoov8, my problem is that I have created many filters from xml code as per my requirement and all are working fine ,but I can select only one filter at a time . so for example I want to apply any 3 Filters in tree view , then I need to select first one , then system loads the data , then I select 2nd and then 3rd filter , so system is loading after applying each filter . I want to achieve that if I can select all my filters at once and then I can apply search , so system