I want to change a value in the settings of sale.config.settings
. I found this way to do it. But I would like to use the api of Odoo v8. Is that possible? All the examples I found in the source code are using osv.osv_memory
xml ===================
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<function model="my.model.init" name="_init_settings" />
python ======================
from openerp import api, models
class my_model_init(models.TransientModel):
_name = ''my.model.init"
def _init_settings(self):
sale_settings_pool = self.env['sale.config.settings']
sale_settings_id = sale_settings_pool.create({'group_route_so_lines':True})
sale_settings_obj = sale_settings_pool.browse(sale_settings_id)
sale_settings_obj.execute() # this call is actually changes the setting, you're missing this step.
return True