I need to build a simple script to hyphenate Romanian words. I've seen several and they don't implement the rules correctly.
var words = "arta codru";
Rule: if 2 consonants are between 2 vowels, then they become split between syllables unless they belong in this array in which case both consonants move to the second syllable:
var exceptions_to_regex2 = ["bl","cl","dl","fl","gl","hl","pl","tl","vl","br","cr","dr","fr","gr","hr","pr","tr","vr"];
Expected result: ar-ta co-dru
The code so far: https://playcode.io/156923?tabs=console&script.js&output
var words = "arta codru";
var exceptions_to_regex2 = ["bl","cl","dl","fl","gl","hl","pl","tl","vl","br","cr","dr","fr","gr","hr","pr","tr","vr"];
var regex2 = /([aeiou])([bcdfghjklmnprstvwxy]{1})(?=[bcdfghjklmnprstvwxy]{1})([aeiou])/gi;
console.log(words.replace(regex2, '$1$2-'));
console.log("desired result: ar-ta co-dru");
Now I would need to do something like this:
if (exceptions_to_regex2.includes($2+$3)){
words.replace(regex2, '$1-');
else {
words.replace(regex2, '$1$2-');
Obviously it doesn't work because I can't just use the capture groups as I would a regular variable. Please help.
You may code your exceptions as a pattern to check for after a vowel, and stop matching there, or you may still consume any other consonant before another vowel, and replace with the backreference to the whole match with a hyphen right after:
.replace(/[aeiou](?:(?=[bcdfghptv][lr])|[bcdfghj-nprstvwxy](?=[bcdfghj-nprstvwxy][aeiou]))/g, '$&-')
Add i
modifier after g
if you need case insensitive matching.
See the regex demo.
- a vowel(?:
- start of a non-capturing group:(?=[bcdfghptv][lr])
- a positive lookahead that requires the exception letter clusters to appear immediately to the right of the current position|
- or[bcdfghj-nprstvwxy]
- a consonant(?=[bcdfghj-nprstvwxy][aeiou])
- followed with any consonant and a vowel
- end of the non-capturing group.
The $&
in the replacement pattern is the placeholder for the whole match value (at regex101, $0
can only be used at this moment, since the Web site does not support language specific only replacement patterns).