I think i have a rather simple question.
I have been following a tutorial in the above url.
How do I change the filepath for downloads?
Thanks in Advance
You configure the DownloadManager.Request object with that sort of information. In the tutorial, that Request
object is created and used in onClick()
For example:
DownloadManager.Request req=new DownloadManager.Request(uri);
| DownloadManager.Request.NETWORK_MOBILE)
.setDescription("Something useful. No, really.")
(above code is from this sample project)
The last line in CommonsWare's answer states the destination. He just uses the regular download-folder on the sdcard, but you could as well do this:
req.setDestinationInExternalPublicDir("/mnt/sdcard/Myfolder", "file_name.extension");
You make sure external storage access is permitted by user for your app. Include this code for the download
DownloadManager downloadManager = (DownloadManager) getSystemService(Context.DOWNLOAD_SERVICE);
Uri uri = Uri.parse(url_string);
DownloadManager.Request request = new DownloadManager.Request(uri);
request.setVisibleInDownloadsUi(true); request.setNotificationVisibility(DownloadManager.Request.VISIBILITY_VISIBLE_NOTIFY_COMPLETED);
// include this line if permission has been granted by user to external directory
request.setDestinationInExternalPublicDir(Environment.DIRECTORY_DOWNLOADS, uri.getLastPathSegment());
// or this line if not yet granted
request.setDestinationUri(Uri.parse("file://" + uri.getLastPathSegment());
Long reference = downloadManager.enqueue(request);