I am looking for dark themes for Coldfusion Builder but google does not find anything?
Do you have one or know a place where i can get some?
Russ Johnson ( http://twitter.com/russ_johnson ) is working on one. Download from GitHub
I did not find luck with any of the above suggestions while using CF Builder 3.0
WHAT WORKED:So I went to http://guari.github.io/eclipse-ui-theme/
Followed the 'Update Site' method of installation.
Restart Eclipse and go to Window > Preferences > General > Appearance;
Select MoonRise (standalone)
Voila.. its done.
I really like the "Green Chaud" one that was on the Aptana Forums here and and tweaked it for CF but it is now not accessible :( Hopefully the link will come back. If not I will post mine.
Here is a PHP variation on it that is pretty close on a blog making them work with CFB is pretty easy.