Have a look at the picture below:
The blue boxes are divs. Now what I am trying to do is to implement a sort of 2.5D functionality:
I would like the grey shadows to be somewhat 3D-ish. At first I was thinking to assign to the box-shadow value the "Y" axis like this:
"box-shadow: -5px -5px 10px" + value.tallness + "#888"
but the result is the above image.
Any idea on how to make the shadow on one side only, like there was a light source from somewhere?
EXTRA - what about a moving "light source"?
There you go: http://jsfiddle.net/KaCDN/15/
Drag light source to affect shadows.
Taller blocks:
- have larger top,left border
- drop shadow further
- they're shadow is blurier
How to move the shadow a little simpler:
$(document).on('mousemove', function(e) {
var elm = $("#test"),
x = ~Math.round((e.pageX - elm[0].offsetLeft - 150) / 30),
y = ~Math.round((e.pageY - elm[0].offsetTop - 150) / 30),
z = 10+Math.abs(x)+Math.abs(y),
cssVal = x+'px '+y+'px '+z+'px 10px #525252';
elm.css({'-webkit-box-shadow' : cssVal, 'box-shadow' : cssVal });
A more up-to-date answer would be to use a library like Shine.js (http://bigspaceship.github.io/shine.js/) which would handle this exact problem for you.