SQL Server: Could not find type in the assembly

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2019-12-02 16:12:37


CREATE FUNCTION NormalizeString(@s nvarchar(max), 
                                @normalizationForm nvarchar(50)) 
RETURNS nvarchar(max)
AS EXTERNAL NAME CLRFunctions.[CLRFunctions.T].NormalizeString

I just busted my skull on this in Visual Studio 2017, building a CLR in VB. What I found out, when creating the procedure in SQL, THE EXTERNAL NAME is set as follows:

  • AssemblyName.[Assemblyname.ClassNameInVBProgram].SubroutineNameInVBProgram

And it is Case Sensitive.

Use Create Assembly in SQL to create the Sql Assembly

Use Create Procedure in SQL to create the CLR SP.
