
fpdf - going back to the previous page

≯℡__Kan透↙ 提交于 2021-02-18 03:20:53
问题 I am generating pdf invoice using fpdf. Some invoices containing many items, and details need to go into the second page. However, I need the total, and other details to be displayed on the first page. Right now, if I can add new page like this: $pdf->AddPage(); But, this puts everything into the second page, whatever after this statement. There seems to be no way to specify the page for either write or cell methods. Rendering, and calculations are bit complex, thus don't want to store into a

How to Center Text in FPDF?

不羁岁月 提交于 2021-02-07 06:59:10
问题 How can I have this generated text appear centered in the page. Generated = $_POST method ... so I don't know how long will the text in input be. I need to have a pre-determined center parameter somehow. Any ideas? Maybe like this: MultiCell(0,$height,"text",0,'C') ? 回答1: Normally it's $pdf->Cell(0, $height, "text", 0, 0, 'C'); but if you're doing it in a Header or Footer function it's $this->Cell(0, $height, "text", 0, 0, 'C') . Don't forget to declare $height as a global if you're doing

PyFPDF internal link

狂风中的少年 提交于 2021-02-05 07:56:47
问题 How should internal linking be done? I try to link from page 1 to page 2. That works ok. But from page to page 2 doesn't work. What is wrong. from fpdf inport FPDF pdf = FPDF() pdf.add_page() pdf.set_font('Arial', 'B', 16) to_page_2 = pdf.add_link() pdf.cell(40, 10, 'Page 1', border=1, ln=0, align='', fill=False, link=to_page_2) pdf.add_page() pdf.set_font('Arial', 'B', 16) pdf.set_link(to_page_2) pdf.cell(40, 10, 'Page 2', border=1, ln=0, align='', fill=False) pdf.add_page() pdf.set_font(

How to maintain image quality with FPDF and PHP?

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2020-08-22 09:37:39
问题 I'm using FPDF with PHP to add an image to a PDF. But the image quality in the PDF is much worse than the original image, as you can see here: Relevant code: $image_height = 40; $image_width = 40; $pdf = new FPDF(); $pdf->AddPage(); $start_x = $pdf->GetX(); $start_y = $pdf->GetY(); $pdf->Image('./images/ds_pexeso_ros_0_17.jpg', $pdf->GetX(), $pdf->GetY(), $image_height, $image_width); $pdf->Output("pexeso".date("Y-m-d"),"I"); The original image is 150x150 pixels. 回答1: I faced the same problem

How to maintain image quality with FPDF and PHP?

主宰稳场 提交于 2020-08-22 09:37:21
问题 I'm using FPDF with PHP to add an image to a PDF. But the image quality in the PDF is much worse than the original image, as you can see here: Relevant code: $image_height = 40; $image_width = 40; $pdf = new FPDF(); $pdf->AddPage(); $start_x = $pdf->GetX(); $start_y = $pdf->GetY(); $pdf->Image('./images/ds_pexeso_ros_0_17.jpg', $pdf->GetX(), $pdf->GetY(), $image_height, $image_width); $pdf->Output("pexeso".date("Y-m-d"),"I"); The original image is 150x150 pixels. 回答1: I faced the same problem