
xcodebuild - codesign -vvvv says“resource envelope is obsolete”

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2019-12-17 21:52:44
问题 I've just updated my xcode install to use xcode 6.0.1 in order to start compiling my app for ios8 devices. For some reason I am not able to ever sign the app file correctly that is generated using the following: xcodebuild -project GrantM/GrantM.xcodeproj -configuration Release it compiles the code and appears to be fine, but running: /usr/bin/codesign --verify -vvvv GrantM/GrantM.app give me: Program /usr/bin/codesign returned 1 : [GrantM/GrantM.app: resource envelope is obsolete] Codesign

iOS App crashing before entering main() with Xcode 4.2 & iOS 5

人走茶凉 提交于 2019-12-17 19:34:02
问题 Background After upgrading xcode4.1/ios4 to xcode4.2/ios5 I am experiencing crashes while the App is loading and before it even enters main() . I have set a break point in main() but it is never reached. Compiling the project in Xcode 4.1 with a Base SDK of 4.3 works fine on iOS 4.x and iOS 5. Compiling the same project in Xcode 4.2 with a Base SDK of 5.0 works fine on 4.x but crashes in iOS 5, both on the simulator and on a device. Simulator Crash Crashes with EXC_BAD_ACCESS List of calls,

Why are xcodebuild and Xcode 4.2 so slow?

拟墨画扇 提交于 2019-12-17 17:59:26
问题 I am using Xcode 4.2 on a relatively large project (a few ten thousand lines of code) and it is horribly slow. Editing is ok, but whenever I try to compile the project (in Xcode, or with xcodebuild on the command line), my machine (quad core i7 MacBook Pro, 4 GB RAM) crawls to a halt. I have noticed that directly after starting xcodebuild, it spawns more than 8 clang processes, without the "real" compile processes starting. No xcodebuild output is so far seen on stout. I've tried reducing the

Xcode 4.5 command line unit testing

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2019-12-17 17:24:37
问题 Having an issue since updating to Xcode 4.5 when running my unit tests via command line. The following is the output i'm seeing when i try to run my tests Unknown Device Type. Using UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad based on screen size Terminating since there is no workspace. /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Tools/RunPlatformUnitTests.include:334: note: Passed tests for architecture 'i386' (GC OFF) /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Tools/RunPlatformUnitTests.include:345: note:

Continuous Integration for Xcode projects?

二次信任 提交于 2019-12-17 15:02:00
问题 After using Hudson for continuous integration with a prior project, I want to set up a continuous integration server for the iPhone projects I'm working on now. After doing some research it looks like there aren't any CI engines designed specifically for Xcode, but one guy has had success using Cruise Control combined with the xcodebuild CLI tool. Has anyone here tried this? Are there any CI engines that work well with Xcode projects? I'm probably going to give Cruise Control a try. I'll post

Continuous Integration for Xcode projects?

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2019-12-17 15:01:43
问题 After using Hudson for continuous integration with a prior project, I want to set up a continuous integration server for the iPhone projects I'm working on now. After doing some research it looks like there aren't any CI engines designed specifically for Xcode, but one guy has had success using Cruise Control combined with the xcodebuild CLI tool. Has anyone here tried this? Are there any CI engines that work well with Xcode projects? I'm probably going to give Cruise Control a try. I'll post

Timeout when running xcodebuild tests under Xcode 6 via SSH

和自甴很熟 提交于 2019-12-17 07:07:22
问题 I seem to be having issues with integrating Xcode6 with jenkins, I currently have this setup and working with Xcode 5. With xcode 6 running remotely via SSH the simulator time-out, when I run locally it succeeds. Command xcodebuild -workspace PROJECTNAME.xcworkspace -scheme BGO_Tests -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 5s' -derivedDataPath ./Build clean test 2014-08-19 10:46:36.591 xcodebuild[33966:381f] iPhoneSimulator: Timed out waiting 120 seconds for >simulator to boot,

How do I run an terminal command in a swift script? (e.g. xcodebuild)

狂风中的少年 提交于 2019-12-16 22:37:31
问题 I want to replace my CI bash scripts with swift. I can't figure out how to invoke normal terminal command such as ls or xcodebuild #!/usr/bin/env xcrun swift import Foundation // Works println("Test") // Works ls // Fails xcodebuild -workspace myApp.xcworkspace // Fails $ ./script.swift ./script.swift:5:1: error: use of unresolved identifier 'ls' ls // Fails ^ ... etc .... 回答1: If you don't use command outputs in Swift code, following would be sufficient: #!/usr/bin/env swift import

xcodebuild failing on teamcity build agent: scheme is not currently configured for the test action

喜你入骨 提交于 2019-12-14 04:05:27
问题 The tests run fine both inside XCode and at the command line on my Mac. Inside the TeamCity build agent (running in VMWare on a Mac mini), the test also pass when run inside XCOde. But at the command line, I get the message "scheme ___ is not currently configured for the test action". I know that having XCode running can mess up the command line build, so I have it closed. What else could be wrong? 回答1: The problem was that the scheme was not shared. More information here: xcodebuild says

xctool …ERROR: build-tests: '' is not a testing target in this scheme

橙三吉。 提交于 2019-12-13 19:42:53
问题 i try to run my Xcode UI Tests and just a specific method. It isn't possible with the default xcodebuild command line from apple. I found the xctool but the tool didn't found my UITestsTarget. Here my command line: /path/to/xctool -workspace APP.xcworkspace -scheme "APPScheme" test -only UITestsTarget:UITestsClass/UITestsMethod and i got this error: ...ERROR: build-tests: 'UITestsTarget' is not a testing target in this scheme. with xcodebuild list i can see all the informations about project