
Using POST method to hide URL parameters

时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2019-12-05 06:10:33
问题 I understand that I am able to use the POST method for URL parameters to display data according to a specific variable, I know how to make use of the GET method - but I am told that the POST method can be used to hide the part of the URL that is like this. /data.php?parameter=1234 What is the actual difference of the two methods in terms of URL parameters? Below is some code that fetches data from a database according to the id of a specific link <?php //This includes the variables, adjusted

How do you test the params hash in a Rails test?

笑着哭i 提交于 2019-12-05 05:13:11
The following generates an error: "undefined local variable or method `params'" assert_equal params[:recipient_id], users(:one).id How do you test the params hash? Also, how do you test assert_redirect when there are params present? The params are appended to the URL, so testing for model_path or similar fails. Working with built in test class in Rails 3. Jim Deville http://guides.rubyonrails.org/testing.html#functional-tests-for-your-controllers gives some of this information. In this case, params is attached to the @request or @response object (depending on what HTTP method you are testing),

Add a configurable product to the cart using url

こ雲淡風輕ζ 提交于 2019-12-04 19:36:53
I'm attempting to add a configurable product to the cart using the url parameters but I'm still getting a "Please specify the product's option(s)." when I try to add a product to the cart using the url: /myConfigurableProduct.html?options=cart&product=6&related_product=&super_attribute[146]=60&super_attribute[147]=67&super_attribute[145]=57&super_attribute[144]=49&super_attribute[148]=69&super_attribute[149]=75&super_attribute[150]=80&qty=1 I've looked through the Magento docs for a solution to this and found that this can be done from the cart page using the /cart/add? , but I'm trying to do

Get page URL parameters from a service worker

旧街凉风 提交于 2019-12-04 18:15:09
How do I get page URL with parameters from a service worker? I have tried self.registration.scope but that doesn't include the parameters. I'm not clear as to whether you're asking about getting the service worker script's URL, or the URLs of all of the client pages that are open under the service worker's scope. So... here's how to do both: // Get a URL object for the service worker script's location. const swScriptUrl = new URL(self.location); // Get URL objects for each client's location. self.clients.matchAll({includeUncontrolled: true}).then(clients => { for (const client of clients) {

How to get the request parameters using get in Spark Java framework?

╄→尐↘猪︶ㄣ 提交于 2019-12-04 16:48:56
问题 I'm new to sparkjava. I want to read my request params using spark java but I'm not able to find the correct syntax. please help me out. Below is my route method and the client call to it: my client request url: /smartapp/getDataViewModelConfig?collId=123' Route Method: get("smartapp/getDataViewModelConfig/:id", "application/json", (request, response) -> { String id = request.params(":id"); } The 'id' field is returning null here. Any suggestions as to what went wrong here? 回答1: If you have

The torrent info_hash parameter

此生再无相见时 提交于 2019-12-04 11:37:08
How does one calculate the info_hash parameter ? Aka the hash corresponding to the info dictionar?? From official specs: info_hash The 20 byte sha1 hash of the bencoded form of the info value from the metainfo file. Note that this is a substring of the metainfo file. This value will almost certainly have to be escaped. Does this mean simply get the substring from the meta-info file and do a sha-1 hash on the reprezentative bytes?? .... because this is how i tried 12 times but without succes meaning I have compared the resulting hash with the one i should end up with..and they differ ..that +

How to use URL parameters using Meteorjs

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2019-12-04 11:28:19
问题 How can I use URL parameters with meteor. The URL could look like this: http://my-meteor.example.com:3000?task_name=abcd1234 I want to use the 'task_name' (abcd1234) in the mongodb query in the meteor app. eg. Template.task_app.tasks = function () { return Tasks.find({task_name: task_name}); }; Thanks. 回答1: You are probably going to want to use a router to take care of paths and rendering certain templates for different paths. The iron-router package is the best one available for that. If you

Getting more search results per page via URL

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2019-12-04 04:32:37
I've been writing a program which extracts data from web searches. To get more data, I'd ideally like to extract more results per query through a script (let's say 100 or so). My question is, is there a way to modify the URL for Google, Yahoo, or Bing (preference in that order) so that I can get more than 10 results per query? For Google, appending &num=99 used to work at one point but no longer works :( I saw a similar append of &count=50 but that didn't work on any of the search engines either. The reason num=99 doesn't work for Google is because the num parameter's actual value isn't used,

Using POST method to hide URL parameters

岁酱吖の 提交于 2019-12-03 21:18:55
I understand that I am able to use the POST method for URL parameters to display data according to a specific variable, I know how to make use of the GET method - but I am told that the POST method can be used to hide the part of the URL that is like this. /data.php?parameter=1234 What is the actual difference of the two methods in terms of URL parameters? Below is some code that fetches data from a database according to the id of a specific link <?php //This includes the variables, adjusted within the 'config.php file' and the functions from the 'functions.php' - the config variables are

How to get the request parameters using get in Spark Java framework?

爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2019-12-03 09:58:05
I'm new to sparkjava. I want to read my request params using spark java but I'm not able to find the correct syntax. please help me out. Below is my route method and the client call to it: my client request url: /smartapp/getDataViewModelConfig?collId=123' Route Method: get("smartapp/getDataViewModelConfig/:id", "application/json", (request, response) -> { String id = request.params(":id"); } The 'id' field is returning null here. Any suggestions as to what went wrong here? Laercio Metzner If you have to work with an URL like /smartapp/getDataViewModelConfig?collId=123 you have to deal with