The torrent info_hash parameter

此生再无相见时 提交于 2019-12-04 11:37:08

bdecode the metafile. Then it's simply sha1(bencode(metadata['info'])) (i.e. bencode only the info dict again, then hash that).

Peter Quiring

The metafile is already bencoded so I don't understand why you encode it again?

I finally got this working in Java code, here is my code:

byte metaData[];  //the raw .torrent file

int infoIdx = ?;  //index of 'd' right after the "4:info" string

info_hash = SHAsum(Arrays.copyOfRange(metaData, infoIdx, metaData.length-1));

This assumes the 'info' block is the last block in the torrent file (wrong?)

Don't sort or anything like that, just use a substring of the raw torrent file.

Works for me.

Visit , this is a python code, explains how info_generate, good luck.
