How to get the request parameters using get in Spark Java framework?

爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2019-12-03 09:58:05
Laercio Metzner

If you have to work with an URL like /smartapp/getDataViewModelConfig?collId=123 you have to deal with query parameters in your implementation, like the following:

get("smartapp/getDataViewModelConfig", "application/json", (request, response)->{
  String id = request.queryParams("collId");
  return "HI " + id;

If you have an URL like : http://localhost:4567/smartapp/getDataViewModelConfig/456 use the following code :

get("/smartapp/getDataViewModelConfig/:id","application/json", ((request, response) -> {
                return  request.params(":id");
            }), gson::toJson);