
Chutzpah and Jasmine 2.0 and RequrieJs

半腔热情 提交于 2020-01-14 10:08:34
问题 I'm having some bother getting Chutzpah to work with requireJs/jasmine 2.0. This method worked for version 1.3 but now for jasmine version 2.0 chutzpah has stopped picking up the tests. I upgraded chutzpah to 3.1.1 for the jasmine 2.0 support as well. I did have to make a small change to load jasmine from requireJs to make it work but I figured this shouldn't affect chutzpah as it was just loading the html. Here's the command I run for chutzpah. chutzpah.console.exe path/to/SpecRunner.html

Chutzpah coverage result smaller than 100% (due to private methods?)

时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2020-01-14 02:08:08
问题 I use Chutzpah to test my JavaScript test coverage. Here is an example for the coverage result when I run a single test file referenceFigureEdit.spec.js : I would expect the coverage to be 100% but it is only 91.07%. Clicking on the first line I can inspect my tested code in detail. Lines that are "not covered by the test" are highlighted: Question A : How can I tell Chutzpah that those methods have actually been executed or tell Chutzpah to not include those lines in the coverage result? Are

Karma vs Chutzpah

笑着哭i 提交于 2020-01-12 14:17:35
问题 I have been trying to figure out what is the best way to write/run automated jasmine tests in visual studio. Currently, I am using jasmine with Resharper (using PhantomJS) and the test can be run from visual studio. Now I want to run the tests as part of continuous integration and very are using TFS. Searching online give me few options which made me rather confused. 1) Use Chutzpah as a test runner to execute jasmine tests. 2) Use Karma as a test runner (but it also requires Chutzpah test

Karma vs Chutzpah

南楼画角 提交于 2020-01-12 14:14:08
问题 I have been trying to figure out what is the best way to write/run automated jasmine tests in visual studio. Currently, I am using jasmine with Resharper (using PhantomJS) and the test can be run from visual studio. Now I want to run the tests as part of continuous integration and very are using TFS. Searching online give me few options which made me rather confused. 1) Use Chutzpah as a test runner to execute jasmine tests. 2) Use Karma as a test runner (but it also requires Chutzpah test

Karma vs Chutzpah

十年热恋 提交于 2020-01-12 14:14:03
问题 I have been trying to figure out what is the best way to write/run automated jasmine tests in visual studio. Currently, I am using jasmine with Resharper (using PhantomJS) and the test can be run from visual studio. Now I want to run the tests as part of continuous integration and very are using TFS. Searching online give me few options which made me rather confused. 1) Use Chutzpah as a test runner to execute jasmine tests. 2) Use Karma as a test runner (but it also requires Chutzpah test

How to load a public function using QUnit and TypeScript

纵然是瞬间 提交于 2020-01-06 01:16:19
问题 I am using QUnit to test my typescript code and everything is fine when I run a simple example like this: But my nightmare start when I try create unit tests for my SPA app. At the moment to run the testing using Chutzpah on my VS I got a strange error: "Can't Find variable home in mypath\home.tests.ts(line6). My Code bellow: home.ts import logger = module('services/logger'); export var title = 'Home View';

Where does Chutzpah Test Adapter install PhantomJS?

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2020-01-04 02:57:13
问题 I've just installed the Chutzpah Test Adapter extension to a VS2013, and run a simple Jasmine test through VS's Test Explorer. That worked fine - running the tests headless. Then I tried to run the same test through Resharper's test explorer, and and that didn't work. It opened up a browser window, and then nothing happened. I've generally preferred Resharper's test explorer, but I'm the only one on the team who's using Resharper, despite my constant nagging, which is why I'm looking at

Using Chutzpah to run Typescript qUnit tests

为君一笑 提交于 2020-01-02 05:31:51
问题 I've recently tried to incorporate qUnit and Chutzpah to unit test a project I'm working on which is written in typescript. I've got things setup in what I believe is the correct manner and the following things work: The typescript application! - I can run a very early version of the application Chutzpah - I installed this on VS2012 and it correctly see's my qUnit demo test qUnit - Appears installed and works with Chutzpah, I can run a simple test (one which doesn't look at my code) With

TypeScript - jasmine - Chutzpah - AngularJS

半腔热情 提交于 2019-12-22 01:17:18
问题 Hi we are using angulatJs with typescript. For unit testing we are using Jasmine. And to run jasmine we are using Chutzpah . When i am trying to build project it giving me an error that ReferenceError: Can't find variable: angular Where i have added reference to the .spect.ts correctly. ///<reference path="../external/angularJS/1.0.8/angular.d.ts" /> ///<reference path="../external/angularJS/1.0.8/angular-ui.d.ts" /> ///<reference path="../external/angularJS/1.0.8/angular-mocks.d.ts" /> ///

Testing javascript with Chutzpah and requirejs

冷暖自知 提交于 2019-12-21 03:48:50
问题 I just wonder if there is a simple tutorial showing how to test javascript in visual studio with Chutzpah, require.js and jasmine. Basically, i want to run the tests without using an .html file so that i can see the results in the vs test explorer. 回答1: You can find some sample codes here: Please note if you want to use requirejs with Chutzpah and Jasmine, you need to set