Testing javascript with Chutzpah and requirejs

冷暖自知 提交于 2019-12-21 03:48:50


I just wonder if there is a simple tutorial showing how to test javascript in visual studio with Chutzpah, require.js and jasmine.

Basically, i want to run the tests without using an .html file so that i can see the results in the vs test explorer.


You can find some sample codes here: https://chutzpah.codeplex.com/SourceControl/latest#Samples/RequireJS/Jasmine/tests/base/base.jasmine.test.js

Please note if you want to use requirejs with Chutzpah and Jasmine, you need to set TestHarnessReferenceMode to AMD in chutzpah.json. Otherwise the tests won't be ran in browser.

    "Framework": "jasmine",
    "TestHarnessReferenceMode": "AMD",
    "TestHarnessLocationMode": "SettingsFileAdjacent",
    "References": [
        { "Path": "require-2.1.8.js" },
        { "Path": "config.js" }
    "Tests": [
        { "Path": "tests" }


Here's a pretty useful video to get you started with Chutzpah and Jasmine ...


I don't think if you add Require js it is going to make much difference to the demo in the video in terms of how you set things up.


I managed to make the tests run simply by adding an AMD module where i load all the test modules; That is, i created the all.test.js file in which i simply load all the test modules as dependencies:

    // same as the applications main baseUrl
    baseUrl: '../',

    function () { }

In a sense, this is the main requires module for the test modules.

Now you right click and open it in a browser or you can use the test runner to run the tests.

