What are values starting with “t” and how to ignore them for counting
问题 I am trying to query the frequency of certain attributes in Wikidata, using SPARQL. For example, to find out what the frequency of different values for gender is, I have the following query: SELECT ?rid (COUNT(?rid) AS ?count) WHERE { ?qid wdt:P21 ?rid. BIND(wd:Q5 AS ?human) ?qid wdt:P31 ?human. } GROUP BY ?rid I get the following result: wd:Q6581097 2752163 wd:Q6581072 562339 wd:Q1052281 223 wd:Q1097630 68 wd:Q2449503 67 wd:Q48270 36 wd:Q44148 8 wd:Q43445 4 t152990852 1 t152990762 1