TripleDES in CFB mode, C# and Crypto++ differs

旧时模样 提交于 2019-12-01 21:46:32

The FeedBackSize you have changed, relates to the CFB mode of operation (msdn documentation). Therefore you should also check that Feedback size in C++ and C# are the same.

I believe that your bug could be maligned BlockSizes between the C++ code and the C# code. Have you tried setting BlockSize = 8 in the C# implementation?

These are not correct:

CFB_FIPS_Mode<DES_EDE3>::Encryption enc;
enc.SetKeyWithIV(key, sizeof(key), iv, sizeof(iv));

sizeof(key) and sizeof(iv) returns the size of the pointers, not the size of the security parameters. You should use this instead:


If it works for .Net, then you should prefer to increase the feedback size for libraries like Mcrypt and .Net; and not reduce the feedback size in Crypto++. That's because some modes lose security when the feedback size is not the full block size.

I don't know if this will work with .Net, but its something you should consider or try:

public FibxCrypt()
    _cryptoAlgo = new TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider();
    _cryptoAlgo.Key = _key;
    _cryptoAlgo.IV = _iv;
    _cryptoAlgo.Mode = CipherMode.CFB;
    _cryptoAlgo.Padding = PaddingMode.Zeros;

    // Add this:
   _cryptoAlgo.FeedbackSize = _cryptoAlgo.BlockSize;

If you can't adjust the feedback size in .Net, then here's how to change feedback size in Crypto++. You setup a AlgorithmParameters to hold the feedback size parameter, and then you call SetKey with the additional parameters:

void *CryptData(BYTE *bDataIn, LONG lIn, LONG *lOut, byte* key, byte* iv)
    AlgorithmParameters params = MakeParameters(Name::FeedbackSize(), 1 /*8-bits*/)
                                               (Name::IV(), ConstByteArrayParameter(iv, DES_EDE3::BLOCKSIZE));
    CFB_FIPS_Mode<DES_EDE3>::Encryption enc;
    enc.SetKey(key, 24, DES_EDE3::DEFAULT_KEYLENGTH);


Its not clear to me if CFB mode operating in FIPS mode allows such a small feedback size. If it throws an exception, then you will need to use just CFB_Mode.

AlgorithmParameters may look a little odd because of the operator() overload. You can read about it at NameValuePairs on the Crypto++ wiki. Other wiki pages of interest are TripleDES and CFB Mode.


Another thing to watch out for is text encoding. It usually causes interoperability issues in .Net and Java due to UTF-16. UTF-8 and ASCII cause the least amount of problems. You should be OK since you encoding = new UTF8Encoding().

But if things still don't work for you, then you a byte message that is not encoded or interpreted. For example, use this in both .Net and Crypto++:

byte msg[4] = { 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04 };

The four bytes are not interpreted, so it side steps encoding issues.
