Error with h2o.predict in R

泄露秘密 提交于 2019-12-01 21:19:36

The error you've hit upon is originating from the internal H2O language processing framework (called Rapids).

The likely culprit is not predict, but rather the snippet


which should be doing a column slice (ASTColSlice). But it looks like it's executing code in ASTRowSlice... Could get a better handle on what's going on if you're able to provide any logs (the stdout/err help here, you can get them with the method


One thing that stands out is:

  Error in class(obj) <- "rs.scalar" : attempt to set an attribute on NULL

"rs.scalar" doesn't have any significance in our R code, is it something that you recognize? At any rate, the logs should shed more light on how the NegativeArraySizeException is occurring.

