I'm trying to use Material-Table component - it's perfect for a table that I'm buildling (add, edit, delete and search rows). I've installed and used it as a child component of a page - everything works but...
STYLING: all custom and built-in styling in the page is lost in all the Material UI components (ie. AppBar buttons have no padding/spacing between, custom font styling is messed up).
ICONS: The icons in the table won't render - they just appear as large cut-off text.
Styling and icons on other pages without the table are not affected.
Anybody have a solve? Thanks in advance.
For icons, I tried reinstalling the library and importing. Also tried putting html method. Snippet of the Material Table code is below.
title="Editable Example"
icon: 'edit',
tooltip: 'Edit Study',
onClick: (event, rowData) => alert("Do you want to edit " + rowData.name + "?")
rowData => ({
icon: 'clear',
tooltip: 'Delete User',
onClick: (event, rowData) => alert("You want to delete " + rowData.name),
disabled: rowData.birthYear < 2000
onRowAdd: newData =>
new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(() => {
const data = [...state.data];
setState({ ...state, data });
}, 600);
onRowDelete: oldData =>
new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(() => {
const data = [...state.data];
data.splice(data.indexOf(oldData), 1);
setState({ ...state, data });
}, 600);
In my situation, I'm using @material-ui/core@4.0.0-beta, and material-table is using 4.2.1.
You can get the log after installed material-table
info Direct dependencies
├─ @material-ui/core@4.2.1
└─ material-table@1.40.1
info All dependencies
├─ @babel/runtime-corejs2@7.5.5
├─ @date-io/date-fns@1.3.8
├─ @material-ui/core@4.2.1
├─ @material-ui/styles@4.2.1
├─ @material-ui/system@4.3.1
├─ convert-css-length@2.0.1
├─ css-box-model@1.1.3
├─ date-fns@2.0.0-beta.2
├─ debounce@1.2.0
├─ filefy@0.1.9
├─ material-table@1.40.1
├─ normalize-scroll-left@0.2.0
├─ raf-schd@4.0.2
├─ react-beautiful-dnd@11.0.3
├─ react-double-scrollbar@0.0.15
└─ use-memo-one@1.1.1
so I upgrade material ui to @material-ui/core@4.2.1 by yarn add @material-ui/core@4.2.1
. and then it works.