UTL_FILE.WRITE_ERROR when calling utl_file.put in a loop

半腔热情 提交于 2019-12-01 18:44:50


I have below code in my PL/SQL procedure, which I called in API_XXX.put(it calls utl_file.put) in a while loop. And the l_xmldoc is CLOB from a function of getReportXML, which returns the xml clob.

the code I write to write xml into a file is like:

l_offset := 1;
    WHILE (l_offset <= l_length)
    l_char := dbms_lob.substr(l_xmldoc,1,l_offset);

    IF (l_char = to_char(10))  ---I also tried if (l_char=chr(10)) but it did not work 
        API_XXXX.new_line(API_XXX.output, 1);
        API_XXXX.put(fnd_API_XXX.output, l_char);
    END IF;

    l_offset := l_offset + 1;

Please note that the API_XXX is the existing package which I am not able to modify, and this api calls fflush in the end of put.

API_XXX.put's part is like below("WHICH" is the first param):

         elsif WHICH = API_XXX.OUTPUT then
           temp_file := OUT_FNAME;
           utl_file.put(F_OUT, BUFF);

API_XXX.new_line is like(LINES is the number of lines to write):

         elsif WHICH = API_XXX.OUTPUT then
           temp_file := OUT_FNAME;
           utl_file.new_line(F_OUT, LINES);

I notice a that the put/new_line procedure in my customer's side will sometimes raise UTL_FILE.WRITE_ERROR for unknown reason(maybe due to the l_length is too large(up to 167465)) in the while loop from my customer.

I read Oracle PL/SQL UTL_FILE.PUT buffering . And I found that this is the same cause, my l_xmldoc is really large and when I loop it, I found that it is without a new line terminator so the buffer is up to 32767 even though I fflush every time.

So, how should I convert the l_xmldoc into a varchar with new line terminator.

PS: I confirmed that my customer is using Oralce 11g


  1. Post the Oracle Version you are using! Or we can just guess around...

  2. Your fflush will not work as you expect - From the documentation:

    FFLUSH physically writes pending data to the file identified by the file handle. Normally, data being written to a file is buffered. The FFLUSH procedure forces the buffered data to be written to the file. The data must be terminated with a newline character.

  3. tbone is abolutely right the line TO_CHAR(10) is wrong! Just try SELECT TO_CHAR(10) FROM DUAL; you will get 10 which you then compare to a single character. A single character will never be '10' since 10 has two characters!

  4. Your problem is most likely a buffer-overflow with too large XML-Files, but keep in mind, also other problems on the target system can lead to write_errors, which should be handled.


  • Quick&Dirty: Since you don't seem to care about performance anyways you can just close the file every X byte and reopen it with A for append. So just add to the loop:

    IF MOD( l_offset, 32000 ) = 0
      UTL_FILE.FCLOSE( f_out );
      UTL_FILE.FOPEN( out_fpath, out_fname, f_out, 'a', 32767 );
    END IF;
  • Use the right tool for the right job: UTL_FILE is not suited for handling complex data. The only usecase for UTL_FILE are small newline-separated lines of text. For everything else you should write RAW bytes! (Which will also allow you porper control over ENCODING, which is currently just mini-vanilly-lucky-guess)

  • Write a Java-Stored-Procedure with NIO-Filechannels - fast, safe, nice... But be careful, your program might run 10 times as fast!


Just a guess, but instead of "to_char(10)" you might try chr(10) to determine/write a newline. Not sure if this will solve your problem, but sometimes very long lines (without newlines) can cause issues.

For example:

    l_clob clob;
    l_char char;
    l_clob := 'Line 1' || chr(10) || 'Line 2' || chr(10);

    for i in 1 .. DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH(l_clob)
        l_char := dbms_lob.substr(l_clob, 1, i);

        if (l_char = chr(10)) then
        --if (l_char = to_char(10)) then
            dbms_output.put_line('Found a newline at position ' || i);
        end if;
    end loop;


Notice the difference between chr(10) and to_char(10). Easy enough to test if this solves your problem anyway.

