How to edit the source code in module after installed it using zef?

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2019-12-01 18:06:01

In this answer in zef's issues, they state that "installations are immutable". It's probably a better option if you download Cro from its source, patch it and install again so that your application picks up the new version.

It might also happen that 'application/json' does not admit that charset declaration, or that there should be no space behind the ;. But the main issue here is that you shouldn't edit modules once installed.

As jjmerelo mentioned, installations are immutable, one solution is to download source code(include META6.json file), edit the code you want, then:

zef install . --/test

For simple test, it's ok for me.

As for application/json; chartset=utf-8; can't parse, I add a ; in MediaType.pm6's token token, make it possible to include ; (maybe it's a bug, I don't know):

token token { <[A..Za..z0..9;!#$%&'*+^_`{|}~-]>+ }

installed locally, and it parse ok now.
