
How to hack on installed perl6 module source?

ぐ巨炮叔叔 提交于 2019-12-10 13:27:48
问题 I'd like to be able to view and make changes to the source code of installed (via zef ) perl6 modules. How can I do that? On my system, the module sources are under ~/.perl6/sources/ and there's also some kind of metadata file about the modules in ~/.perl6/dist/ . I can also use zef locate ... to show a module's source path, but making changes directly to the source files doesn't seem to have any effects (i.e., use the module from the REPL doesn't show my changes). I'm guessing it's because

How can I rebuild an edited perl6 module that I've downloaded?

ⅰ亾dé卋堺 提交于 2019-12-10 12:38:08
问题 I've installed Time::Duration and it failed most of its tests. I want to be able to rebuild the module - with my edits - from the locally stored module. I edited the file that contains the module (that corresponds to Duration.pm6): ~/.perl6/sources/D00C101A0157E3EAC494310C9961F299240423E7 And then try building via it's json file: zef --debug build ~/.perl6/dist/83839D8D315EEDEDFEAF211EE42E8D936ACE29CB This returns: ===> # SKIP: No need to build Time::Duration:ver<2.00> !!!> Build failure: ~/

How to edit the source code in module after installed it using zef?

戏子无情 提交于 2019-12-01 18:36:30
问题 For example, I've installed the Cro module, when I run my simple code: my %headers = {Authorization => OAuth realm="", oauth_consumer_key="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", oauth_nonce="29515362", oauth_signature="KojMlteEAHlYjMcLc6LFiOwRnJ8%3D", oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1", oauth_timestamp="1525913154", oauth_token="xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", oauth_version="1.0", User-Agent => Cro}; my $resp = await Cro::HTTP::Client.get: 'http://api.fanfou.com/statuses/home_timeline.json', headers => [ user-agent =>

How to edit the source code in module after installed it using zef?

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2019-12-01 18:06:01
For example, I've installed the Cro module, when I run my simple code: my %headers = {Authorization => OAuth realm="", oauth_consumer_key="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", oauth_nonce="29515362", oauth_signature="KojMlteEAHlYjMcLc6LFiOwRnJ8%3D", oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1", oauth_timestamp="1525913154", oauth_token="xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", oauth_version="1.0", User-Agent => Cro}; my $resp = await Cro::HTTP::Client.get: 'http://api.fanfou.com/statuses/home_timeline.json', headers => [ user-agent => 'Cro', content-type => 'application/json;charset=UTF-8', |%headers ]; say $resp.header('content-type')