Logical Negation in Prolog

那年仲夏 提交于 2019-12-01 15:21:43

Prolog cannot do classical negation. Since it does not use classical inference. Even in the presence of Clark completion, it cannot detect the following two classical laws:

Law of noncontradiction: ~(p /\ ~p)

Law of excluded middle: p \/ ~p

Here is an example, take this logic program and these queries:

   p :- p

   ?- \+(p, \+p)

   ?- p; \+p

The Clark completion of the logic program is as follows and the negation as failure query execution yields the following:

   p <-> p



Clark completion adresses the issue of predicate definitions and negative information. See also section 5.2 Rules and their Completion. On the other hand, when no predicate definitions are around, CLP(X) can sometimes do both laws, when a negation operator is defined deMorgan style. Here is a negation operator for CLP(B):

?- listing(neg/1).
neg((A;B)) :-
neg((A, _)) :-
neg((_, A)) :-
neg(neg(A)) :-
neg(sat(A)) :-

And here is some execution:

?- sat(P); neg(sat(P)).
P = 0 
P = 1.
?- neg((sat(P), neg(sat(P)))).
P = 0 
P = 1.

CLP(X) will also have problems when the negation affects domains, that are usually finite and that would then get infinite. So for example a constraint such as (#=)/2, ... shouldn't be a problem, since it can be replaced by a constraint (#\=)/2, ... .

But negation for CLP(FD) will usually not work when applied to constraints (in)/2. The situation can slightly be mitigated if the CLP(X) system offers reification. In this case the disjunction can be rendered a little bit more intelligent than just using Prolog backtracking disjunction.
