PowerShell remoting: Controlling what edition is being targeted (PowerShell Core or Windows PowerShell); the state of cross-platform remoting

跟風遠走 提交于 2019-12-01 13:38:48

It is the locally specified remoting session configuration that you use which determines what PowerShell edition, and possibly version, will be used on the remote machine:

  • Ad hoc, you can use the -ConfigurationName parameter of remoting cmdlets such as Invoke-Command, New-PSSession, and Enter-PSSession to specify a session configuration explicitly.

  • Persistently, via configuration, you can set the default session configuration via the $PSSessionConfigurationName preference variable (the linked help topic also dicusses other remote-session-related preference variables, namely $PSSessionApplicationName and $PSSessionOption)

On the target machine of a remoting operation, Get-PSSessionConfiguration cmdlet lists all registered session configurations that clients can use to connect to, and which you can manage with Register-PSSessionConfiguration and Unregister-PSSessionConfiguration:

  • Caveat: Get-PSSessionConfiguration must be run in an elevated session (as administrator), and, due to a bug in Windows PowerShell 5.1, you may have to run the following dummy command first: $null = Get-Command Test-WSMan, so as to ensure that the wsman: drive is defined).

  • Session configurations whose names are prefixed with 'microsoft.powershell' belong to Windows PowerShell.

  • Prefix 'PowerShell.' refers to PowerShell Core.

$PSSessionConfigurationName defaults to 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/powershell/Microsoft.PowerShell' in both editions, which means that Windows PowerShell is by default targeted on remote machines even if you're running from PowerShell Core:

  • The Microsoft.PowerShell part refers to the (64-bit) Windows PowerShell session configuration, as listed by Get-PSSessionConfiguration (in lowercase).

  • The http://schemas.microsoft.com/powershell/ prefix is optional and can be omitted; note that using https: in the prefix does not work and will not automatically switch to an SSL-based transport; for the latter, explicit configuration is needed. Note that HTTPS/SSL-based remoting isn't necessary if all of your remoting happens within a Windows domain.

To target PowerShell Core on a remote machine:

  • Generally, PowerShell Core session configurations are version-specific, and you have two choices:

    • Target a major PowerShell Core version - e.g., PowerShell.7 - using whatever the latest v7.x version is installed on the target machine.

      • This is preferable, because your code then doesn't require updating every time you install a patch or minor version update on the target machine.
    • Target a specific version - e.g., PowerShell.7.1.2

      • Do this only if you have multiple, side-by-side installations that share the same major version, and you explicitly need to target one of them.
    • Again, running Get-PSSessionConfiguration on the target machine, from an elevated session, tells you the names of all registered session configurations.

  • To target PowerShell Core ad hoc, use -ConfigurationName PowerShell.7, for instance:

# Connect to computer $comp and make it execute $PSVersionTable 
# in PowerShell Core v7.x, which tells you what PowerShell edition 
# and version is running.
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $comp -ConfigurationName PowerShell.7 { $PSVersionTable }
  • To target PowerShell Core by default, persistently, add something like the following to your $PROFILE file:
# When remoting, default to running PowerShell Core v7.x on the
# the target machines:
$PSSessionConfigurationName = 'PowerShell.7'