Which one is the correct approach for form validation ? Colander's Schema validation or Deform's form validation?

梦想与她 提交于 2019-12-01 11:20:26

So I think the big problem you're having is understanding the separation of concerns of Colander and Deform. Colander is what people like to call a general schema validation library. Which means we define a schema, where each node has a particular data type and some nodes might be required/optional. Colander is then able to validate that schema, and tell us whether or no the data we passed to colander conforms to that schema. As an example, in my web apps, I am often building apis that accept GET/POST params that need to be validated. So in Pyramid, let's say I have this scenario:

request.POST = {
    'post_id': 1,
    'author_id': 1,
    'unnecessary_attr': 'stuff'

I can then validate it like so:

# schema
schema = SchemaNode(Mapping(),
                    SchemaNode(Integer(), name='post_id'),
                    SchemaNode(Integer(), name='author_id'))

And it will error if it can't conform the data to the specified schema. So you can see, colander can actually be used to validate ANY set of data, whether that comes from POST/GET/JSON data. Deform on the other hand is a form library, and helps you create/validate forms. It uses colander for all of the validation needs and as you can see it pretty much just completely delegates validation to colander. So to answer your question, you would do all of your validation stuff in colander, and deform would mostly handle the rendering of your forms.

To see a vivid pyramid example application and deform in action look at todopyramid as a part of IndyPy Python Web Shootout. A todo application was implemented in pyramid, django, flask and bottle. I studied the pyramid example - it is well written, shows deform schema validation and uses bootstrap to show validation messages.

Find more pyramid tutorials here:
