
论文阅读:Deformable ConvNets v2

微笑、不失礼 提交于 2020-04-25 02:01:43
论文地址: 作者:pprp 时间:2019年5月11日 0. 摘要 DCNv1引入了可变形卷积,能更好的适应目标的几何变换。但是v1可视化结果显示其感受野对应位置超出了目标范围,导致特征不受图像内容影响(理想情况是所有的对应位置分布在目标范围以内)。 为了解决该问题:提出v2, 主要有 扩展可变形卷积,增强建模能力 提出了特征模拟方案指导网络培训:feature mimicking scheme 结果:性能显著提升,目标检测和分割效果领先。 1. 简介 Geometric variations due to scale, pose, viewpoint and part deformation present a major challenge in object recognition and detection. 目标检测一个主要挑战: 尺度 , 姿势 , 视角 和 部件变形 引起的几何变化 v1 引入两个模块: Deformable Convolution : 可变形卷积 通过相对普通卷积基础上添加的偏移解决 Deformable RoI pooling : 可变形 RoI pooling 在RoI pooling 中的bin学习偏移 为了理解可变形卷积,进行了可视化操作: samples for an

可变形卷积 deformable convolution 学习记录

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2020-04-24 08:34:08
Deformable ConvNets v1: 论文地址: 工程地址: 论文地址: Deformable ConvNets v2: More Deformable, Better Results 工程地址: 这里需要强调一下,N代表kernel_size*kernel_size,并不是通道数 offset = self.p_conv(x) #x.shape torch.Size([32,64,28,28]) #offset.shape torch.Size([32,18,28,28]) 这一步输入图片学习偏移量offset,输入的feature map尺寸是(64,28,28)分别表示通道数,h和w。输出之所以是18通道的,是因为kernel size是3,卷积核有3 3=9个点,每个点都有x偏移量和y偏移量(从这里看得出每个输入通道做同样的偏移处理),18通道的前九个通道表示x偏移量,后9个通道表示y偏移量。然后再经过一次卷积


守給你的承諾、 提交于 2020-02-07 22:10:11
安装deform pip install pyramid_deformpip install js.deform deform表单库介绍 与pyramid同属Pylons Project表单库 Colander:定义表单结构 Peppercom:序列化和反序列化 Chameleon:模板引擎 development.ini里导入pyramid_deform [app:main] use = egg:MyShop pyramid.reload_templates = true pyramid.debug_authorization = true pyramid.debug_notfound = false pyramid.debug_routematch = false pyramid.default_locale_name = en pyramid.includes = pyramid_debugtoolbar pyramid_tm pyramid_layout pyramid_deform 创建lib/deforms.py文件 # -*- coding:UTF-8 -*- import colander import deform from js.deform import deform as deform_static class LoginFormSchema

Deform/Colander validator that has access to all nodes?

限于喜欢 提交于 2019-12-21 10:32:10
问题 How do you define a custom validator in Deform/Colander that has access to all node values. I need to access the values from two fields in order to decide if a particular value is valid or not? 回答1: Here is an example of interfield validation. 回答2: To place a validator for all colander fields we can simply do this validator method: def user_DoesExist(node,appstruct): if DBSession.query(User).filter_by(username=appstruct['username']).count() > 0: raise


删除回忆录丶 提交于 2019-12-09 18:23:16
pg11新特性,可以瞬间向一个表中添加非空默认字段。 今天研究了一下这个特性的内核实现方式,写个博客简单记录一下。 结论奉上 pg在从硬盘或者内存获取到一条数据记录后(以下称tuple),会使用 heap_deform_tuple(HeapTuple tuple, TupleDesc tupleDesc,Datum *values, bool *isnull) 函数把这个tuple根据其所在表的表结构(tupleDesc)进行"肢解",肢解结果放到values数组里。 也就是说values数组里的每一个元素对应着一个字段的值。isnull也是一个数组,这个数组记录着 对应的字段是否有值。 在pg11中heap_deform_tuple()函数增加了一段代码 for (; attnum < tdesc_natts; attnum++) values[attnum] = getmissingattr(tupleDesc, attnum + 1, &isnull[attnum]); 用于对values为空但是有缺失默认值的字段追加赋值。 (只对增加列时就制定了默认值的字段有效,先增加列后指定默认值的无效) 这样增加字段的之前tuple的数据没有任何改动的情况下,就可以查询出默认值。 系统表的改变 postgres=# \d pg_attribute Table "pg_catalog

How to custom the deform Form?

空扰寡人 提交于 2019-12-06 07:01:25
问题 When I use the default deform Form. It's not what I need. How to custom it ? For example, I need this: firstname:[_______] lastname:[_______] *username: [____________________] alink where [ _ _] represent normal html input. Should rewrite the template? 回答1: This is a css issue, to provide a custom CSS class to a deform input you need to use the following: text_input = deform.widget.TextInputWidget( css_class='yourdivnamehere') Then inside deform you can: first_name = colander.SchemaNode

How to custom the deform Form?

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2019-12-04 14:33:08
When I use the default deform Form. It's not what I need. How to custom it ? For example, I need this: firstname:[_______] lastname:[_______] *username: [____________________] alink where [ _ _] represent normal html input. Should rewrite the template? This is a css issue, to provide a custom CSS class to a deform input you need to use the following: text_input = deform.widget.TextInputWidget( css_class='yourdivnamehere') Then inside deform you can: first_name = colander.SchemaNode(colander.String(), widget = text_input) 来源:

Deformable ConvNets--Part5: TensorFlow实现Deformable ConvNets

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2019-12-03 10:54:36
关于Deformable Convolutional Networks的论文解读,共分为5个部分,本章是第五部分: [ ] Part1: 快速学习实现仿射变换 [ ] Part2: Spatial Transfomer Networks论文解读 [ ] Part3: TenosorFlow实现STN [ ] Part4: Deformable Convolutional Networks论文解读 [x] Part5: TensorFlow实现Deformable ConvNets 本章讲解使用TensorFlow实现Deformable ConvNets。 Deformable Convolution介绍 论文给出的代码是 MXNet 写的,blog里使用的是TensorFlow/Keras实现的简易版。 注意该TensorFlow版存在的问题: 前向速度太慢,下面案例模型带变形卷积层的前向传播约需要240ms,而正常的CNN需要10ms都不到。 只是简单的变形层实现,没有Deformable Align-Rol层。 使用的Keras,原MXNet是要快很多的 相关资源地址: 论文-Deformable Convolutional Networks 参考代码:Deformable Convolution in TensorFlow / Keras 在变形的MNIST上示意图:

Dependent/Cascading inputs using Deform

烈酒焚心 提交于 2019-12-02 03:49:16
问题 I'm trying to do a series of dependent inputs with Deform / Colander / Chameleon / Pyramid and can't find any examples. e.g. Dropdown of Country yields-> Dropdown of State or Province or Division ..etc.. yields-> Dropdown of County or City ... might yield-> Dropdown of City ... Can this be accomplished using Deform? (if it can't, should I look at an alternative form generating solution or go pure html/javascript/ajax/..?) I'm simplifying this to geographic divisions. I'd prefer to send only

Dependent/Cascading inputs using Deform

断了今生、忘了曾经 提交于 2019-12-01 23:35:01
I'm trying to do a series of dependent inputs with Deform / Colander / Chameleon / Pyramid and can't find any examples. e.g. Dropdown of Country yields-> Dropdown of State or Province or Division ..etc.. yields-> Dropdown of County or City ... might yield-> Dropdown of City ... Can this be accomplished using Deform? (if it can't, should I look at an alternative form generating solution or go pure html/javascript/ajax/..?) I'm simplifying this to geographic divisions. I'd prefer to send only the necessary part of the 12 million record database at the time the form is loaded and incrementally