Change text color of Substance LookAndFeel

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2019-12-01 10:28:58

Ultimately you have to mess with the color schemes.

Since you are using the Graphite Glass skin, messing with the color schemes is considerably easier since they values are not set in Java code. If you copy he file /org/pushingpixels/substance/api/skin/graphite.colorschemes into your classpath, you can go into the various scheme definitions and change the colorForeground entries to be whatever you want. Possibly black (#FFFFFF) or the various greys (#cccccc, #999999, #666666, #333333). But since they are hex colors you can do whatever you want.

  1. change all Keys in UIManager by killing all things that to create this great theme

    • change value for all Keys in UIManager for all JComponents or concrete JComponent

    • change value for all value in Highlighter(s) for all JComponents or concrete JComponent

    • I'm not sure if this theme to use or not the Trident too, have to check on former Kirill's forum

  2. or simpler to change for concrete JComponents instance, have to repeated for all JComponents

  3. disclaimer

    never to change Colors or Fonts for Custom Look and Feels, have to check if is or isn't there direct way implemented by author of L&F, never to tried that for all JComponents and this theme isn't my favorite, then point second is safer by eliminate side effect implemented in Custom L&F, but in this case you probably to loose implemented Highlighter(s)
